Splinterlands Battle: Waiting Game with Temporal Master


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Good day, Splinterlands! Splinterlands' Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge is back! Check out their post for the SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! TEMPORAL MASTER if you want to join in too! Let me tell you about one of my most recent battles with Temporal Master. I'll admit that while using Life Element, this card isn't one of my favorites. However, there are times where this card, when used with the appropriate cards, might benefit your lineup. How did I use Temporal Master to win? Let's look at it.

Here is a quick rundown of Temporal Master stats.

Rarity: EPIC
Element: LIFE
Attack: MAGIC

The horologe node is the first focus. The annulus scepter the second. But to ascend to the highest levels of the craft the anachron time mage must abandon talismans and operate by mind alone. For the rare adept blessed by visions of the turning wheel they can shift the flow of siphilum in time's flow by sheer force of will.

It is these Temporal Masters that advised the great council until the highest in their order, the High Magus Obin Anvaras, betrayed them. Those that remain hunger for a chance to reknit time and erase the chaos heresy that brought the Legion to the Splinterlands.


LevelRegular BCXGold BCXAttackSpeedArmorHealthAbilities
646102205Recharge, Stun


Battle Configuration

The Modern Format ruleset for this fight is Little League wherein only monsters and summoners which have a mana cost of 4 or less may be used. The maximum amount of mana allowed is 27. The available elements are Water, Death and Life. Temporal Master has the ability Recharge which makes this card wait for another turn before it attack, however, the damage will be x3. During a turn in which Temporal Master is not attacking, this card is very vulnerable to damage from the opponent. And you might think that this is quite infuriating.


I used Level 3 Lorna Shine as my Summoner to offset the time that Temporal Master is recharging. The Divine Shield ability given by Lorna Shine will negate any first damage that will be inflicted to my monsters. This includes Ranged, Melee and Magic Attacks. My monster in the first position is a Level 2 Xenith Monk which has the Heal ability. I am hoping that the Xenith Monk will provide more assistance to my back line attackers by holding its position using its Heal ability. I also used a Level 3 Time Mage with 2 Magic Attack and has the Slow ability. I then used a Level 3 Venari Crystalsmith with Tank Heal ability to fully support Xenith Monk. I put my Temporal Master in the 4th Position to be safe from frontal direct attacks and monsters with Sneak ability. In this way, it would have more time to recharge and attack. My monsters in the 5th and 6th positions are my backline attackers. I have a Level 3 Celestial Harpy with its Opportunity ability and a Level 2 Uraeus with its Sneak ability. Uraeus is at the farthest because it has an armor that can negate physical attacks.

Abilities Present in the Battlefield.
DIVINE SHIELD - The first time the Monster takes damage it is ignored.
HEAL - Restores a portion of the Monster's health each round.
SLOW - Reduces the Speed of all enemy Monsters.
TANK HEAL - Restores a portion of the Monster in the first position's health each round.
RECHARGE - This Monster attacks every other round but does 3x damage.
FLYING - Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability.
OPPORTUNITY - Monsters with the Opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health.
SNEAK - Targets the last Monster on the enemy Team instead of the first Monster.
SHIELD - Reduced damage from Melee and Ranged attacks.
REACH - Melee attack Monsters with the Reach ability may attack from the second position on the team.
REFLECTION SHIELD - This Monster is immune to all indirect, or reflected damage. That means that it will not take damage from Blast, Thorns, Return Fire, or Magic Reflect.
CRIPPLE - Each time an enemy is hit by a Monster with Cripple it loses one max health.
LIFE LEECH - Monster's health increases each time it damages an enemy Monster's health in proportion to the damage dealt.


Let's Battle!

The plan is to use Lorna Shine's Divine Shield for all my monsters, especially Temporal Master, to survive longer and deal more damage to the enemy. The enemy has a combination of Melee and Ranged attack monsters. The enemy tank has Shield ability which will lessen the physical attacks of my monsters. Good thing that I have monsters with magic attack so this will not affect them. Here in Round 1, Temporal Master goes into Charging mode and will not attack.


In the end of Round 1, enemy Tortisian Fighter left with 1 HP. If Temporal Master did not go to Charging mode, Tortisian Fighter would have been eliminated in Round 1. So this might be one of the disadvantage of having the Recharge ability.


In Round 2, my Xenith Monk was annihilated already and Temporal Master completed its recharge and attacked Tide Biter with a whooping 3 Damage. In just 2 Round, it inflicted 3 damage already whereas if it attack each round, it will inflict 2 damage only. Cool trade off I guess.


In Round 3, Temporal Master goes into Charging mode again. I thought I will lose in this battle because my monsters upfront are getting annihilated one by one.


However in Round 4, Temporal Master made a comeback and defeated enemy Uraeus in 1 hit. Now, I still have my Venari Crystalsmith that can heal itself and has Celestial Harpy as my backline attacker.


Moving to Round 7, Temporal Master goes into Charging mode again the enemy has 2 Ranged Attack monsters.


In Round 8, enemy Kulu Swimhunter was already defeated as well as my Venari Crystalsmith. Since the only monster on the enemy side is a ranged attack monster, this spells out my victory.


I won and earned 6,148 Reward Points and 0.196 SPS in this battle. And my rating increased by 24.


Here is the full replay in Splinterlands and Youtube

(Unsupported https://youtu.be/GvmMCVU6OAs)


Did my strategy work?

The plan to delay the damage from the opponent worked well because of Lorna Shine's Divine Shield. And that also helped my Temporal Master have more turns to recharge and deal more damage afterwards. This battle demonstrated how strong Temporal Master could be if you have other monsters that will support it while charging. It would also be better to deal 3 magic attack instead of 1 magic attack against monsters with Void Ability.



That's it, and thanks for reading. If you're interested in playing Splinterlands, here is my game link - splintercell-01.
Visit @Splinterlands to view more amazing posts! And always keep on battling!!!
*Images used are from Splinterlands and Peakmonsters and edited in Canva.


It was well played, but I see that the recharge ability is not something that can be used for beginners. You have to prepare the cards well to give him an advantage.


Yes. You need to prepare beforehand if you are planning to use a monster card with recharge ability :)
