RE: The Problem With Women Football: Conclusion

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I remember when I was in high school our girls varsity team was more popular and the games were better attended than the boys' games were. Why would this happen? Well because the girls team was really good and they won the state championship 2 years in a row. Fast forward a few years when all the talent had gone off to college and they were terrible and people stopped going. This is a very isolated instance and also a very specific one. I think the major reason why people don't attend women's matches outside of the world cup is because the games are comparatively boring and since money drives all sports, there isn't much that can be done about this. You can throw all the money and promotion you want at something but if the audience is not entertained they are not going to come back.

There are certain aspects of women's sports that I find just as, if not more, entertaining then the men's division, such as MMA. We can't force the population to like something they do not, it needs to be something that happens organically.


I do agree that you can't force it and that is my biggest problem with the other "solutions" as they insist it is exactly the same and that sexism is the only reason. I think it would make more sense for women to evolve football into a version that showcases the best of them


I'd like to put this "both sports are the same" idea to rest by having say, the women's All Star team face off against the worst MLS team and see what happens. Or do the same thing with WNBA. I think we all know it would be an absolute blowout.

Even Serena Williams, who is regarded as the best women's tennis player of all time has said on I think it was Jimmy Fallon Show, that she would get destroyed by the top men players. I believe her words were "please don't make me do that, I don't want to get embarrassed!"
