COVID -19(84) Just Enough Air To Breathe – Not Enough Oxygen To Survive


It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”― J. Krishnamurti


Perfect analogy to make sense of the nonsense orchestrated by the elites of society. Is there really a coming back from this so-called pandemic? I highly doubt it. I think we’ve reached a point of no return. I hate to be a party pooper but the party really is over. Time to stop drinking the kool aid because getting fucked up on society’s liquor of choice ain’t getting you anywhere.

Instead of social distancing till the apocalypse comes along – why don’t we quarantine the fuck out of society? Put her on short term leave (read: long term ) . You’re fired society, you had one job to do and you failed at it massively! -1 star on Yelp reviews, you’re welcome. Now go away and don’t come back, we’re much happier without you!

Oh wait. I forgot. We collectively signed a forever unspoken contract with the bitch that is society. You can’t take back unspoken words, right? Why am I mindfucking myself with my own words now? We need to keep our cool, with no aid, and hang in there, while there’s nothing to hang on to. Remember society’s magic formula? Create a problem – Sell the solution. Covid-19, have you been created out of thin air?

Society’s oxygen supply is running low, it’s time to shut the hell up and put your mask back on. Air is becoming a scarce resource, and it’s solely reserved for the ones that have the privilege to not only speak – but to be heard as well. And you? Well you don’t have that luxury. You’re a means to an end. If inaction means complicity, are we still victims of the system?


Instaid of creating a better echosystem and fight all the big companies that pollute the nature they just decide to make people breath less.
