Production Focused Society - The Socially Accepted Way Of Escaping Reality


“Those who are wise won't be busy, and those who are too busy can't be wise.”― Lin Yutang


Being busy has become the most commonly practiced religion of the 21st century. On the low low it also has made its way into being the politically correct way of escaping reality. Workaholism is the only addiction that always gets a free pass. You can’t stigmatize something that has the society approved checkmark on it right? But if you take away from the equation the medium that is used to numb the pain away, the end result remains the same - you’re escaping reality, be it through drugs, sex, money, or work.

If you’re not always on the move, if ambition is not your middle name, if busy isn’t your favorite excuse to throw around to cancel plans, then you’re a loser at best. At least to the eyes of society’s little followers. I’d rather be a so-called loser than a blind cult follower, but that’s just my take on it. I have one less fuck to give about your “success story” or your incapacity of talking anything other than the primal importance of “making a dent into the universe.”

Doing nothing is an art that few could claim mastering. What a shame that sitting alone with your own thoughts doesn’t get the same amount of recognition as telling the world how busy you are running away from yourself.

It’s all about the surface level appearance anyway. Your internal self is crumbling apart but hey, look what I’ve got going for myself on the outside! I’m hustling while you’re merely shuffling. Except that I’m carrying a load of unhealed wounds and that I use work as a way to avoid dealing with my emotions. But who cares right? If society doesn’t judge me for it, why should I judge myself for it?

Our pathological society clearly is the wisest judge in the courtroom. Keep on being a mindless busy bee, because after all society needs you to keep on running our capitalist-based economy. You can continue to flex your achievements away at your annual Christmas party, but just remember that life shouldn’t be about humble bragging of being a proud member of a production- focused society.

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Wish i could upvote this twice over. Excellent insight. I've been waiting for someone to mention the elephant in societies room. And for pointing out just how pathological as a society we really are. Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Life is about so much more than work.

Brilliant quote by lin yutang. I'm going to keep it.


I wish you knew just how much your response means to me!💜
Thank you so much! You made my day big time! xoxo


Im glad i brought some value to your day!😊. Been going through some of your other posts. I like the wisdom in them enough to follow. Looking forward to further insights from you.

Have a good day, evening...not sure where you are, or what the time is. But enjoy. Talk again soon.
