Woke AI


Hey Guys
We all know that in the last year, AI is at the center of technology, the future of probably everything. The pace at which AI is coming into our lives is unimaginable. Of course, mass adoption itself came with the launching of ChatGPT, then came DALL-E, and then came SORA, and of course, many more that might even be better. But, of course, this means that all big tech companies are trying to make the next best AI and beat the competition. But have you heard about Google's new image generator AI called Gemini, which became the most racist and woke AI ever?

Yes, Google launched an AI that, if you wanted to generate an image of a white young couple, then you would have gotten the message that as an AI, it cannot focus solely on whiteness, or if you asked about medieval knights, it would generate images of black men and women, something that is completely unhistorical. But the essence of these things is that the people who are building things that will sooner rather than later become the source of education and the primary source of information are not impartial and historically correct, and they can be manipulated or changed because the creator wants to have his agenda and not the truth. Maybe it's something that seems insignificant — who the hell cares what an AI generates as the depiction of a medieval knight? But then it might be an even bigger question with much significance, maybe the origins of a civilization or that Hitler was a good man who just lost, and many more.

As you can imagine, it became a really big thing, and a lot of YouTubers made videos about it, laughing at Google. So, Google then stopped access to the AI until they can fix the problem.

Here is the statement.

Three weeks ago, we launched a new image generation feature for the Gemini conversational app (formerly known as Bard), which included the ability to create images of people.
It’s clear that this feature missed the mark. Some of the images generated are inaccurate or even offensive. We’re grateful for users’ feedback and are sorry the feature didn't work well.
We’ve acknowledged the mistake and temporarily paused image generation of people in Gemini while we work on an improved version.
What happened
The Gemini conversational app is a specific product that is separate from Search, our underlying AI models, and our other products. Its image generation feature was built on top of an AI model called Imagen 2.
When we built this feature in Gemini, we tuned it to ensure it doesn’t fall into some of the traps we’ve seen in the past with image generation technology — such as creating violent or sexually explicit images, or depictions of real people. And because our users come from all over the world, we want it to work well for everyone. If you ask for a picture of football players, or someone walking a dog, you may want to receive a range of people. You probably don’t just want to only receive images of people of just one type of ethnicity (or any other characteristic).
However, if you prompt Gemini for images of a specific type of person — such as “a Black teacher in a classroom,” or “a white veterinarian with a dog” — or people in particular cultural or historical contexts, you should absolutely get a response that accurately reflects what you ask for.
So what went wrong? In short, two things. First, our tuning to ensure that Gemini showed a range of people failed to account for cases that should clearly not show a range. And second, over time, the model became way more cautious than we intended and refused to answer certain prompts entirely — wrongly interpreting some very anodyne prompts as sensitive.
These two things led the model to overcompensate in some cases, and be over-conservative in others, leading to images that were embarrassing and wrong.

If you want to read more about what google will do click here

Some of the reactions



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