Anyone Know This Cat? 😻 😍




While browsing Google Photos, I reached very old pictures and had emotional moments. I reached the first states where I found my cat. Ah yes, the photo you see is of my chubby daughter, Shila. She had only been home here for a few days and was dirty, but that look in her eyes was always the same.


We washed it as soon as we arrived and then went to the vet checks. Exactly 8 years ago. Those were the worst days for me and my family, and I was so lucky to find him at such a bad time. I won't talk about the bad things I've had in the past, but he came into my life just in time.



They say cats are not as loyal as dogs, but I disagree. Since he was a baby, he was much more attached to me towards other family members. This bond still continues. I think he sees me as his mother because I found him when I was a baby. She always sleeps on my lap or closest to me.



As you can see, she preferred to sleep on my lap or between my legs. Cats are social animals, so they never like to be alone. While sleeping, they always prefer to be snuggled with the closest thing they hear.



Here you see my teenage years. It is clearly evident from his facial expression. No matter how old he is, the way he sits has never changed.



I have many years that I want to spend with him. That's why I wish he had a very long life. He was always there for me in my toughest days. He gave me peace and love that no other human could ever give.



Due to his age, he doesn't play as many games as he used to. She is not a cat running around every minute in her young age, she is a much more mature woman now. She spends most of the day napping in the sunlight.


In the evenings, she comes to bed with me and takes a deep sleep. Those who sleep with pets understand me much better. If you sleep with your pets, you cannot share the bed and at the end of the day you will be pushed to the very corner. My daughter sleeps crazy like me. After all, animals are like their owners, right?

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Coinciding with old pictures and refreshing the memories made me feel a little emotional, but re-imagining all the moments I spent with her brought a smile to my face.

I am glad that our paths were crossed and I am glad that you came across me and chose me, my beautiful girl. I love you so much. In the meantime, please adopt animals instead of buying them. They always deserve the best life instead of starving in the streets. If every person saves one animal, there will be no animals wandering hungry on the streets. I wish all animals could find a warm home. My cat came across me by chance and is one of those lucky cats. I hope the others get lucky and find a family that loves them.



