Heard Of Financial Procrastination?


We all can agree to this, that there are two kinds of people in the world, the sets of people who complete task once they’re given ahead of the deadline and the other set are those who put it away until the last minute when the deadline is very close. For instance, you couldn’t make it to the grocery store to get an extra gallon of milk just because there was little still left the fridge storage but you waited till you realized it all empty when you eventually needed it the most. We all can be guilty of procrastinating. It’s is so much easy to save something for tomorrow. Then tomorrow turn to weeks, weeks to months and it goes on like that till we forget about the plan. Procrastination is a real and can affect our life, when it becomes an habit it can cause lots of hindrances and setbacks which can affect our finances too and that’s the worst of all. Financial procrastination.

What then is Financial Procrastination?
Financial procrastination is when you have financial responsibilities and decisions to make, but you put them aside on a continuous basis. For instance, you know you are owing a debt that need to be cleared, and you convinced yourself that at the end of the month when you get your salary you would clear it, but you continue waiting until every months pass by and till the lender comes to ask you and trouble you for his/her payment. This is what defines financial procrastination, you know you ought to do it, but are not actually ready to do it. Instead of you to pay and move on to the next phase of your life, you get stuck in that phase.

When it comes to money spending or making payment, there are many decisions to be made at a particular time, some needs may be more urgent than others which can be true but leaving some needs behind till whenever you feel is the best time can be unhealthy to your finances that is, if you have the capacity and enough resources to settle it.

How do you overcome financial procrastination.
Set your Goals
You can start with writing down a "to do list" the is the simplest that I can recommend. Listing out what you need to do for the day firstly before pushing further. Write down your goals, how it can be accomplished. Your goal should contain a date as a reminder of when it should be done so you won’t forget. Or get yourself a person who you feel can motivate you. Like me, my mom motivates me, when I set a plan I can tell her about it so she can remind me, and she’s so good at that even when am far away. It could be your partner or a close colleague at work. This can really help.

The negative effects of procrastination can make one miss opportunities and lose precious time, this one can be terrible because you can’t bring back wasted time. Take the time to develop a positive goal and a good time management techniques to help you deal with it (procrastination). On your journey to building wealth, procrastination shouldn’t be part of your plans. It causes hindrances on how you deal with time, causing you to fail to perform and do what needs to be done to help you building your finance goals.
My advice is DO IT NOW!

Thank you for reading

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


One of the common type of procrastination is this.. especially when it involves saving or investing, most people fail to save or incest due to procrastination mentality of I will save later or tomorrow and with mentality they end up missing out on a lot of things they could achieve.

Great discussion! Love it
