(ESP/ENG) Anime Blogging Challenge #8: El peor anime que hayas visto / Anime Blogging Challenge #8: Worst anime you've ever seen


¡Hola a todos! Tenía abandonado éste reto je je Por lo general, cuando veo un anime, sólo doy mi opinión sobre él una vez que lo haya mirado. A lo largo de mi vida he visto muchas series y como han habido muchas que me han gustado, también existen las que me han aburrido o me han hecho pensar en las mejores cosas en las que pude invertir mi tiempo. Y luego de pensarlo, si tuviera que mencionar el que es para mí, el peor anime que he visto, sin duda diría que fue Devil May Cry: The Animated Series.

Hello everyone! I had abandoned this challenge hehe Usually when I watch an anime, I only give my opinion about it after I've watched it. Throughout my life I have seen many series and since there have been many that I have liked, there are also those that have bored me or have made me think of the best things in which I could invest my time. And after thinking about it, if I had to mention what is for me, the worst anime I've ever seen, I would definitely say that it was Devil May Cry: The Animated Series.



Primero que nada, mencionaré que no soy fan de los videojuegos de Devil may cry. De hecho, la serie la terminé viendo porque la tenía en casa. Conocía a alguien que si era súper fanática del personaje Dante y todo lo relacionado a él. Muchas veces esta persona estuvo en mi casa jugando Devil May Cry para Play Station 2 y para mí, fue tan agradable verle jugar, que decidí mirar el anime para poder estar más en sintonía con ésta persona y porqué no, ver esa trasfondo tan oscuro e interesante que siempre me comentaba sobre la historia del personaje.

First of all, I will mention that I am not a fan of Devil may cry video games. In fact, I ended up watching the series because I had it at home. I knew someone who was a super fan of the character Dante and everything related to him. Many times this person was in my house playing Devil May Cry for Play Station 2 and for me, it was so nice to see him play, that I decided to watch the anime to be more in tune with this person and why not, see that background so dark and interesting that he always commented on the history of the character.



Y así fue como comencé a ver la serie, estaba ansiosa por conocer sobre el pasado de Dante, pensando que de eso se trataría... más sin embargo, lo que me hallé fue completamente alejado a lo que me hubiera imaginado. La "historia" en el anime básicamente no existe, la trama es una recopilación de situaciones que aburren (o en mi caso me aburrieron) y más por el hecho de que el personaje principal, del cual quería conocerlo más para quizás volverme una fanática más, acabó volviéndose el típico cliché del guardaespaldas de una niña. De principio a fin, eso nunca tuvo sentido para mí.

And that's how I started to watch the series, I was anxious to learn about Dante's past, thinking that this would be it... more however, what I found was completely far from what I would have imagined. The "story" in the anime basically does not exist, the plot is a compilation of situations that are boring (or in my case, they bored me) and more because of the fact that the main character, of whom I wanted to know more to perhaps become a fan more , ended up becoming the typical cliché of a girl's bodyguard. From start to finish, that never made sense to me.



Lo único rescatable o más bien, lo único que me pareció agradable, fue el diseño de personajes y la animación, para la época era realmente buena, más bien demasiado y un desperdicio, ya que pudieron aprovechar esa animación para crear una trama más interesante e inolvidable, porque no puedo siquiera hablarles de qué pasa a los largo de más de diez capítulos porque me aburrió tanto que ni lo recuerdo ja ja ja Sin lugar a dudas, si un anime no logra quedarse en tu memoria, es porque bueno, no fue...

The only salvageable thing or rather, the only thing that seemed nice to me, was the character design and the animation, for the time it was really good, rather too much and a waste, since they were able to take advantage of that animation to create a more interesting plot and unforgettable, because I can't even tell you about what happens over the more than ten chapters because it bored me so much that I don't even remember ha ha ha Without a doubt, if an anime doesn't manage to stay in your memory, it's because well, it wasn't ...


(Ni lo bello que es Dante le salvó 😣/ Not even how beautiful Dante is saved him 😣)


Es que... si hasta el opening es decepcionante, me gusta la animación... pero yo si esperaba un opening con una voz de algún cantante que te hiciera querer cantarla o por lo menos, que provocara dejar el intro.

It's just... if even the opening is disappointing, I like the animation... but I was expecting an opening with a singer's voice that would make you want to sing it or at least, that would cause you to leave the intro.

Pero bueno, esta no es más que mi opinión, a pesar de que no me gustara, tiene cosas rescatables, pero no son lo suficientes como para hacerme querer verla de nuevo je je Muchas gracias por haber visitado mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante.

¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad!

But hey, this is just my opinion, even though I didn't like it, it has salvageable things, but they aren't enough to make me want to see it again hehe Thank you very much for visiting my publication. I hope you found it interesting.

See you next time!




Dragon Ball GT, nada que ver con el Z 😄


uffffff, cuanta razón en un sólo comentario ja ja ja ja lo único que me gustó de dragon ball GT fueron los openings y los endigs, si estaban bien buenos, eso si. Gracias por tu opinión 💖

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Creo que es lo único en que coincidimos todos, la música fue muy buena.


I would have to say the worst anime I ever tried to watch was Fist of the North Star. All I remember is ugly-drawn characters would punch each other and somehow that made the person's head explode (literally, explode). I got through one video (back when we had video rental stores long, long ago) and was like ...well that was awful. 😕

Tendría que decir que el peor anime que intenté ver fue Fist of the North Star. Todo lo que recuerdo es que los personajes con dibujos feos se golpeaban entre sí y de alguna manera eso hacía que la cabeza de la persona explotara (literalmente, explotara). Revisé un video (cuando teníamos tiendas de alquiler de videos hace mucho, mucho tiempo) y estaba como... bueno, eso fue horrible. 😕


Wow, really? I don't know how many chapters or movies of Fist of the North Star but I saw one that I liked, maybe it's because I'm a fan of JoJo's Bizzarre Adventure and in a way, I'm attracted to the animes in which they were set or maybe that version was more current and the drawings weren't that bad haha ​​But yes, I understand you ha ha I'm not a lover of fighting anime and much less where there is so much definition in the grotesque scenes 😫 Thank you for your comment!! It was nice reading you again!! 💖

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a lot newer; the Fist of the North Star I had seen was from the 80s I think. I didn't know they were related series? I know a lot of friends like JoJo's so my guess is it's a lot better, though I haven't seen it.


hehe they are not related series as such, but the creator of Jojo was a fan of that series or something like that I read, that's why he was influenced and in his art it is appreciated... but yes, the series from the eighties no longer look so fabulous as before ha ha ha Haven't you seen Jojo? Oh, my God!! I highly recommend it!! I love it, I'm not a fan of fighting anime, they bore me, but in Jojo the one with the most muscles doesn't win, but the one with the greatest ingenuity, the battles are a bizarre mix of surprising situations where the protagonists make use of their intellect to be victorious in battles... take a look!! I am a fanatic!! heh heh 💖

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