5 Ways to keep up with the continuously changing era


The world is growing so damn fast, the people, the technology, the environment, everything around us. In this era of fast change, we individuals need to grow faster than the required pace. But how's that possible keeping in mind our personal priorities? And is that even possible.

Truly speaking, we have no choice but to evolve at the expected pace. But yes, if we ignore our own priorities, happiness might not follow. So it's very important to grow as well as keep our priorities intact, basically create a balance. I follow some simple steps which help me give a lot of importance to my professional life yet spend good amount of time with my family and myself.

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  1. While working, it's only about work; while spending time family, it's only about family. Never mix work and family and focus on what you are currently at.
  2. Constantly reading about new changes in technology and staying updated but at the same time giving due respect to my interest areas. I read and eliminate things I don't like or have interest in. No one can be master of all.
  3. Draw a very clear line between my areas of work and areas I'm not supposed to dwell into. If I am not a researcher, I don't do it. I ask the relevant set of people to do it for me. This way I am able to focus on what is really expected of me.
  4. Keeping my ears open. So both personally and professionally it's very important to listen to people around you to be able to draw the best conclusions. Taking opinions never harm, following them blindly does. Take opinions and do what is best according to you.

So these are my some simple mantras to get ahead in life and lead a successful yet happy life.


Did you leave number 5 for me to answer? I hope you did!

  1. Don't take life too seriously. Have fun and laugh with it. Boring people will try to tell you that "this matters" and "that matters", when the only thing that matters is matter itself and how you respond to it.


That's a great point to make. Life shouldn't be taken too seriously at all times, sometimes it should be about fun n entertainment.
