Defining a Healthy Lifestyle


Hello Friends!

Are you following a healthy lifestyle?

Do you think or are you sure of your answer?
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When we talk about a healthy lifestyle, we often restrict our thinking to eating healthy food only. Less oil, low calories, green vegetables, high proteins, low carbs, hot water, not eating after 8, etc, etc. But are those the only things that count towards a healthy lifestyle?

Now try answering again, are you following a healthy lifestyle?

So let's talk about what falls under a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Food

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Of course, that's a key thing on the list and I have talked about it above so we will not put in many details here.

Exercise and Meditation

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No matter how healthy you eat, if you don't work out, all of it is in vain. Exercise could be taken up in any form - gym, yoga, jogging, or walking. Also, meditation is a must for a peaceful mind.

Sleeping on time and waking up on time


Going to bed late and then sleeping till late in the morning is one of the most unhealthy ways to live your life. This is like disobeying the rules of nature. Remember always, nights are to sleep and days are to work and enjoy.

Healthy Mind

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Emotional stability and a happy, content state of mind are what call for a healthy lifestyle.

Work-life balance

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Dedicated hours for work and family and yourself as well as a mandate.

Following your hobbies and interests

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You just can't miss this. Your hobbies and interests define who you are so you must follow them.


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Sports bring good health and discipline to life. It could be any indoor or outdoor sports but at least one sport we should play and follow.

Social Life

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Lastly, hanging out with other people gives you and your mind exposure to the outside world.

Now try and answer again if you're having a healthy lifestyle. If not, join some dots to find out the missing areas for yourself and work on them. A healthy life means a good life.


I eat right at least 90% of the time but i still need to improve on my exercise and sleeping habit. Sometimes i just get lost on the internet and ended sleeping late and wake up late with a dull morning.
