My Last Working Day


So I am officially going unemployed today. My 6.5 years tenure with my current organization comes to an end today and my new job starts on 4th. Technically, I'm jobless till then.

It feels really nostalgic to leave behind everything you have created with utter devotion and hardwork. It's not easy to establish yourself and stand out among 1000s of employees. It took a lot of effort, sleepless nights, sacrifices and compromises to reach where I am right now and suddenly giving that up and going to a new place where you are just no one, its scary.

But that's how life is, this is how we learn new things in life, we grow. Staying in a comfort zone makes us too comfortable to learn new things.

I've had a great team. As a manager, it was always very important to me that my team stays happy. I received an email from one of my reportees thanking me for who I was, and it felt amazing. It was like ok I did a pretty good job.

When I look back, I have not made many friends in my organization. But the ones I have are for life. I was going through some pictures yesterday and I almost had tears seeing the fun times we have had at the place.

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Due to covid, I have been working from home for the past 2 years and so it's kind of easy to leave. But there's surely a heart-sinking feeling that I have. I just wish the new organization gives me enough opportunities to show my talent and use my skills to upgrade not only myself but the organization too.

Whatever good or bad ever happened here, I’m happy and have no grudges because I am now a better person and professional.


All the best for your future endeavours. I guess you can also think of making living on hive as you are quite a popular personality here.


Congrats to you ma, and I wish you the best in 2022
