The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)


Well, it's time for a Christmas film, ain't it folks?

On this side of the world, or more specifically in my country, Christmas isn't celebrated as grandly as on the other. Well, it's never ever going to snow here - I mean, hell can freeze over but snow will be a no-show here sir. Even with a population of 168 million, our very charming Christmas + Easter + Halloween celebrating folks haven't crossed the half a million mark yet - now this just looks like a tiny blip in a big circle (no offense though). But I was fortunate enough to have a handful of friends and because of them, I got to know a thing or two about how they'd celebrate. I know I'm getting way out of track here but since it's Christmas, maybe a bit of nostalgia is mildly acceptable. Well, then let me remind you of a great movie while I reminisce. What do you say about The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)?

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)


Once upon a time, there was Halloweentown where folks were jovial and had no knowledge about anything else beyond Halloween. But wait a minute, what's Halloween got to do with Christmas? Yes, I'm aware that these aren't the same holidays - I'm not mixing up or confused. Why am I explaining - you must have watched it! It's not the greatest film on earth, and not a very cheesy, feel-good Christmas movie with a happily ever after - it's a dark fantasy movie with a lot of songs. Now don't be a Scrooge.

All these years, I have thought since the film is called Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) he must have directed and produced it - I never checked any further. And now I'm not so ignorant and passing the credit to Henry Selick, where it's due. Although I have to admit, I have seen too many Tim Burton movies and haven't written about any of them. Well, let's start with this. It's a Christmas-y not-so-Christmas film because it has a very big load of Halloween splashed on it - in short, it's a film about Christmas in Halloween style and how these two shouldn't be mixed.


This is one animated film I haven't rewatched until last week. My best friend had the audacity to tell me that he hadn't watched it, so I dragged his a** and made sure he didn't miss out on this awesomeness. That gave me the chance to rewatch it. When I first watched it 12 years ago, I thought it was such a great movie - 12 years later, it still is a great film. If you decide to take a break from binge-watching Hallmark Christmas movies, The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) can be a different flavor. I'd say the plotline is very imaginative and though musicals just kill me inside, what I appreciate is that the character had so much space and room to grow. I felt that characters are actually playing out how the different characters in our heads play out - you know what I'm talking about? The voices you hear in your head? Nevermind. Before I get sidetracked again, squeeze this relatively short dark animated film on your list of films to watch this holiday - rewatch it if you must.
