➤ Find out who is my favorite Anglo-Saxon author【ENG-ESP】

Greetings dear friends of the Hive Book Club community, today I felt quite motivated to write my participation in this contest and give it my personal touch, while I tell you about my favorite author

Saludos queridos amigos de la comunidad Hive Book Club, el día de hoy me sentí bastante motivado para escribir mi participación en este concurso y darle mi toque personal, mientras les planteo mi autor preferido

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   During the development of my career as a writer, I have learned many things over the years and undoubtedly, the most important of all, is that there can not be a content creator who does not pass first by being a great reader, so for me, it is a real pleasure to read a great book or a small story, there are no limits to creativity, or little things when it comes to making a text, the letters are simply the expression of art that shows us a part of the spirit and dedication that each artist puts into his work.

  Undoubtedly Hive is a museum of art in digital, here we find the pure manifestation of the inspiration we are looking for, or stories of all kinds, sizes, colors, and quality. For that reason, it was so difficult for me to present writing, where I chose a single favorite author among so many that I like, in different genres of literature as well.

  Reading is one of the great hobbies of my life, that's why I enjoy so much going through the different blogs of a hive, admiring those works of art and indulging myself, taking to my imagination the different scenes raised by the authors in their daily stories, that's why when I read a story, I leave a motivating comment, plus a modest vote to give my recognition to the person behind those words, encouraging him to continue making that imaginary world that I always enjoy.

  Now, selecting one of those wonderful writers of illusions is not easy, because I feel it would also be unfair to put them on a scale, in the best style of an ancient Egyptian God when he weighed the lost souls, especially because I do not master the English language, almost all my reference authors write in Spanish.

  In my native language I would have no doubts in deciding the 3 I would choose, because of the magic they put in each of their writings, which transport me to another world, with their great ability to create different types of narrative and play with the arts of writing. But selecting any one of them would not be what I want to propose, so I set myself a challenge, with a much higher stake, for several days to review writings in English of content creators that have caught my attention so that I could easily decide and present it in this contest.

  Thus, I decided @zeraton , a user who mostly writes the kind of literature that fascinates me, I'm talking about gothic and horror narratives, delving deep into dark fantasy. This majestic writer deserves all the compliments that someone like me can hoist, within the limitations that language means to me for the breadth of my criteria certainly, but without a doubt, he has genuine magic when it comes to making stories, which attract the reader from the title to its development.

  Another thing I like about @zeraton , is the versatility of his pen as they would say in ancient times, this gentleman of the story has fascinated me with stories of all kinds, orchestrated in different environments and with varied outcomes, which never cease to surprise and fascinate any dedicated reader who goes through his works.

  An added value that I can exemplify of this character is the dedication with which he chooses the images to fit the story, something that I know firsthand, it is hard work that can last for hours, until finding the right picture that shows the exact feelings we want to convey to the person on the other side of the lines.

  Additionally, Zeraton has shown not to be afraid of innovation, he recently put into practice a video narration of his work that he captured in a masterful post, which I certainly liked very much, and I think it was the main contribution that led me to decide for an Anglo user, without underestimating, of course, the great work done by my 3 favorite authors who write in Spanish.

  I hope you like my choice and understand the reasons on which I based my decision, which took me a lot of time and dedication, almost as if I were a judge in a great contest, where I wanted to have the greatest equity. I don't want to say goodbye without cordially inviting you to visit Zeraton's blog and discover the good dark fantasy writings he is capable of writing

Translated with DeepL.com/Translator free version

Original image taken by me



Descubre quien es mi autor anglosajón preferido

  Durante el desarrollo de mi carrera como escritor, he aprendido muchísimas cosas con el pasar de los años y sin duda, la más importante de todas, es que no puede existir un creador de contenido que no pase primero por ser un gran lector, por eso para mí es un verdadero placer leer un gran libro o una pequeña historia, no hay límites para la creatividad, ni pequeñas cosas cuando se trata de hacer un texto, las letras sencillamente son la expresión de un arte que nos muestra una parte del espíritu y dedicación, que cada artista pone a su obra.

  Sin duda alguna Hive es un museo de arte en digital, aquí encontramos la manifestación pura de la inspiración que busquemos, o historias de todo tipo, tamaños, colores y calidad. Por ese motivo, fue para mí tan difícil presentar un escrito, en donde escogiera un solo autor favorito entre tantos que me gustan, en diferentes géneros de la literatura además.

  Leer es una de las grandes aficiones de mi vida, por eso disfruto tanto pasar por los diferentes blogs de hive, para admirar esas obras de arte y darme gusto, llevando a mi imaginación las diferentes escenas planteadas por los autores en sus relatos diarios, por eso cuando que leo una historia, dejo un comentario motivador, además de un modesto voto para darle mi reconocimiento a la persona detrás de esas palabras, impulsándolo a seguir fabricando ese mundo imaginario que siempre disfruto.

  Ahora bien, escoger uno de esos maravillosos escritores de ilusiones, no es nada fácil, porque siento que además sería injusto al ponerlos en una balanza, al mejor estilo de un antiguo Dios Egipcio cuando pesaban las almas perdidas, sobre todo, por qué al yo no dominar correctamente el idioma Inglés, casi todos mis autores de referencia escriben en Español.

  En mi idioma natal no tendría dudas en decidir a los 3 que escogería, por la magia que ponen en cada uno de sus escritos, los cuales me trasladan a otro mundo, con su gran habilidad para crear diferentes tipos de narrativa y jugar con las artes de la escritura. Pero seleccionar a cualquiera de ellos, no sería lo que quiero plantearles, así que me propuse un reto, con una apuesta mucho más elevada, durante varios días revise escritos en Inglés de creadores de contenido que han llamado mi atención, para que pudiera decidir con facilidad y presentarlo en este concurso.

  De esta forma escogí a Zeraton, un usuario que mayormente escribe el tipo de literatura que me fascina, les hablo de la narrativa gótica y de terror, adentrándose profundamente en la fantasía oscura. Este majestuoso escritor merece todos los halagos que alguien como yo pueda enarbolar, dentro de las limitaciones que el idioma me supone para la amplitud de mi criterio ciertamente, pero sin dudas, él tiene una genuina magia a la hora de hacer historias, que atraen al lector desde el título hasta su desarrollo.

  Otra cosa que me gusta de Zeraton, es la versatilidad de su pluma como se diría en la época antigua, este señor del relato me ha fascinado con historias de todo tipo, orquestadas en diferentes ambientes y con desenlaces variados igualmente, que nunca dejan de sorprender y fascinar, a cualquier lector dedicado que pase por sus obras.

  Un valor agregado que puedo ejemplificar de este personaje, es la dedicación con la que escoge las imágenes para que se amolden de gran forma a la historia, algo que sé en carne propia, es un arduo trabajo que puede durar horas, hasta encontrar la foto adecuada, que muestre los sentimientos exactos que queremos transmitir a la persona al otro lado de las líneas.

  Adicionalmente, Zeraton ha demostrado no tener miedo a la innovación, recientemente puso en práctica una narración de su obra en video que plasmó en un post magistral, que sin dudas me gustó muchísimo y creo fue el aporte principal que me condujo a decidirme por un usuario anglo, sin menospreciar por supuesto, el gran trabajo que hacen mis 3 autores preferidos que escriben en español.

  Espero les guste mi elección y comprendan los motivos en que me basé, para tomar la decisión que me supuso mucho tiempo y dedicación, casi como si fuera un juez en un gran concurso, donde quería tener la mayor equidad. No quiero despedirme sin invitarlos cordialmente a pasar por el blog de Zeraton y descubrir los buenos escritos de fantasía oscura que es capaz de escribir.


Gracias por leer.

La Investigación, Redacción e Historia es contenido original de calidad creado por @susurrodelmisterio para HIVE.

Esta historia es ficticia y no representa a nadie en particular

Todos los Derechos Reservados
© Copyright 2022 Susurro del Misterio


Thank you for reading

This is an Original Story written by @susurrodelmisterio for Hive.
This story is fictional and does not represent anyone in particular.

All copyrights reserved.
© Copyright 2022 Susurro del Misterio



I have read articles from zeraton, he is an amazing author truly.


Indeed hive is a place to be and a place to see so many writers. @zeraton that you have chosen is truly great.


Thank you for your kind comment and for agreeing with my choice, he certainly makes wonderful stories I invite you to enjoy them and if you like your style maybe you will like my stories too. Regards.


An amazing person you mentioned here. You really have a great test for it comes to articles.
Thank you for sharing 🤠


This contest has made it possible for me to meet a lot of great authors. This is another golden fish you brought to the limelight.


Oh how nice that you discover more authors in hive there are many excellent content creators who deserve all our support to continue growing. Best regards.


Thank you so very much. Hive is such a great place where you'd find quality in every sphere of writing.


Undoubtedly Hive is a museum of art in digital

I couldn't agree more with this, reading so many entries for this Contest made me realize this over and over.

@zeraton is an amazing author from all you've said about him... He can only keep being amazing 😍

All the best in the contest, you're a star too, you know that 😊


Hello, thank you for reading my participation and leaving this kind comment. Certainly, hive reminds us every day the wonders that human beings are capable of creating in any field of art that is why it is a great platform that is getting stronger every day to support creative talent.


That's right, thanks for responding and for participating 😍😊


He can only keep being amazing

Gush, you're gonna give me a swell head! xD

Thanks for the very endearing words though. Will try to.


Haha you should have a swell head 😅 it's your turn to shine!!!


Oh oh, I think I'm gonna have to see a doctor after reading this post because from the way it's making my head swell, I think I just might be suffering from a Tumor now actually.😅

LoL, but in all seriousness though, this means a whole lot to me! I'm so very glad you enjoy my little writeups. I try my best and it's nice to know that someone out there on the block chain appreciates and finds pleasure in reading them.

Thanks for the very kind words buddy. They made me very happy🤍

P.S: Sorry I didn't reply or see this post sooner. Unfortunately, I've been dealing with a little health crisis on my end and haven't really had time nor strength to do stuff - let alone Hive. But regardless, I'm very glad I managed to read this post. It brought a big smile to my face. Perhaps I'll do something for you in return also — in time...

Cheers for now my friend!
