Become A Photographer In Our New Shop

Hello guys....

Me and my friend are running a new business, this is a small business that sells jewelry made of beads. And because this is a business that we just opened, that's why I'm currently an impromptu photographer to take pictures of our product.

And the model is my friend who works with me running this business, she is @sitinurfauziyyah . I took some photos of him using our products, I hope the photos are good, because to be honest I'm not very good at taking photos. And I also edit the photos that I take using some effects, I think the edits are pretty good but I don't know what other people think.

I hope I take good photos, so that buyers are interested in buying our products.

Alright, that's it for this time. I will show again what I did in the next post.

Thank you for reading my post and don't forget to read my other posts.
