Yellow Cafe : Wowrung

Hello guys....

A few days ago I had lunch at a cafe that is currently famous in my city, the name of this cafe is Wowrung, located in Medan, Indonesia. This cafe is very easy to find, because the front color of the cafe is bright and easy to find, the walls with this cafe have a yellow color with the name of the shop written on the front.

Not only on the outside of this cafe which is yellow, but on the inside this cafe is also decorated with a combination of white and yellow. This makes this cafe look very beautiful, and funny, it seems quite rare that there are cafes that use a yellow color theme like this, but it turns out this color is beautiful. This cafe has several rooms, some are inside with full AC, then the side is for the smoking area, this room is equipped with a fan, then there is the outside with some plants decorating it.

The menu choices here are very many, there is a choice of rice, there is Japanese, Indonesian, and western food, there is also Indomie with various choices of flavors and toppings, and also snacks. As well as the choice of drinks, there are quite a variety of flavors from tea, coffee, drinks with added fruit and others.

And as usual I will order a portion of food and a glass of drink, at that time I was very hungry, so I ordered heavy food directly. And this seems to be enough to fill me up.

For the food I ordered chicken teriyaki with rice, chicken teriyaki is one of my favorite foods so when I saw this option in the menu I immediately ordered it. although this menu is served with a bowl that is quite small but actually this is a lot. The chicken pieces are placed on top of the rice, and there are lots of chicken pieces.

For the taste of this menu is delicious, the rice is soft and fluffier this is the type of rice that I like. And the chicken is also delicious, tender, with a sweet, savory and salty taste. Although I think it's saltier than the chicken teriyaki I've tried before, but because I really like salty food that's why I like it. This suits my taste very well.

And for the drink I ordered Grape Tea, this is the first time I've tried tea with a grape flavor so I'm curious about the taste. And actually this drink is delicious, but I don't really feel the taste of wine from this tea, but yes it's still delicious.

This is my experience eating at this cafe, this is a good cafe with many choices of food and drink menus. Come to this cafe if you are in Medan, Indonesia, you will definitely like this cafe.

Alright, that's it for this time. I will show again what I did in the next post.

Thank you for reading my post and don't forget to read my other posts.
