I don't understand how people on the internet can support Light Yagami. —eng/esp



Durante mi estadía en Internet he visto un debate que nunca ha sido cerrado, un debate referente a cierto anime en específico, dicho anime es uno de los más conocidos de la historia, debido a su excelente ejecución de la trama y por su excelente manejo de personajes, siendo dos figuras las más destacables, cada una de ellas pregonando su propia definición de justicia, cada uno creyendo que lo que hace está bien, mientras que el otro está mal pero al final ¿quién de los dos tiene razón?, cada uno puede verse atraído por un bando pero juzgando el comportamiento de los líderes o representantes de esos bandos, podemos llegar a la conclusión que solo uno hace lo que está moralmente correcto y es que hoy en día es muy común verse atraído por esta figura de antihéroe donde hace cualquier cosa para lograr su objetivo sin importar el medio necesario, el resultado al final será bueno pero a qué costo, ¿de verdad vale la pena? Es la gran pregunta. Hoy hablaremos de Light Yagami y por qué su forma de actuar es totalmente errónea a pesar de cierta forma le haya hecho un gran favor a la humanidad.

During my stay on the Internet I have seen a debate that has never been closed, a debate about a certain anime in particular, this anime is one of the most well-known in history, due to its excellent execution of the plot and its excellent handling of characters, being two figures the most outstanding, each one proclaiming its own definition of justice, each one believing that what it does is right, while the other is wrong but in the end who of the two is right?, each one can be attracted by a side but judging the behavior of the leaders or representatives of those bands, we can reach the conclusion that only one does what is morally correct and that today it is very common to be attracted by this figure of antihero who does anything to achieve its goal without caring about the means necessary, the result in the end will be good but at what cost, is it really worth it? It is the great question. Today we will talk about Light Yagami and why his way of acting is totally wrong despite a certain way he has done a great favor to humanity.



El propósito de Light Yagami era bastante sencillo, reemplazar el sistema de justicia actual por uno que de verdad funcionase, acabando con todos los criminales del mundo, tarea un tanto imposible a no ser que tuviera el su poder un arma sobrenatural. Muchas veces al comienzo de la obra a Light se le pinta como un bonachón, como un ser con nula maldad y que según se corrompe al usar la libreta pero pongo en duda eso, él ya era así desde antes fue el poder lo que sacó su verdadera personalidad. Light es la definición absoluta de un megalómano, alguien que se cree un Dios y que está por encima de todo el mundo, con actitudes muy narcisistas que le costaron caro, como darle la primera pista de su ubicación a L, matando al impostor Lind L. Taylor, un acto que pudo haber evitado si de verdad fuera alguien menos impulsivo pero qué se puede esperar de alguien que se considera un Dios. Cuando "le gana a L" se vuelve aún peor, no tiene cuidado en absoluto porque piensa que no tiene rival, que Near y Mello simplemente no le llegan a los talones, pensamiento que cavó su lápida.

The purpose of Light Yagami was quite simple, to replace the current justice system with one that actually worked, eliminating all criminals in the world, a somewhat impossible task unless you had your own supernatural power. Many times at the beginning of the work, Light is painted as a good-natured, non-malicious being, and that he becomes corrupted as he uses the notebook, but I doubt that, he was already like that before, it was the power that brought out his true personality. Light is the absolute definition of a megalomaniac, someone who believes he is a God and is above everyone in the world, with very narcissistic attitudes that cost him dearly, such as giving the first clue of his location to L, killing the impostor Lind L. Taylor, an act that could have been avoided if he were really someone less impulsive, but what can you expect from someone who considers himself a God. When "he beats L", he gets even worse, he has no care at all because he thinks he has no rival, that Near and Mello simply can't catch up to him, a thought that dug his grave.



No olvidar que el propio Light Yagami contradice sus ideales en sí, acabar con todos los criminales, muchas veces le vimos matar gente inocente, incluso llegó a acabar con su propio padre, quien para terminar murió engañado por su propio hijo, convirtiéndose Light en un asesino despiadado, aunque si contamos las muertes en total que provocó, sería más un genocida. ¿De verdad les parece bien apoyar a alguien que para terminar se ríe como un sádico de la muerte de otra persona por mera satisfacción? Todos los actos que cometió para hacer un bien mayor son abominables y repudiables para cualquier ser humano. Estás creando una solución en base al miedo de las personas, en realidad no estás cambiando su comportamiento y forma de ser para que evolucionen como sociedad. Ese es el mundo que Light construyó al final, disminuir la delincuencia en el mundo un 70% pero a costo de que todos piensen que pueden morir en cualquier momento por hacer algo malo, un miedo constante de ser observado y juzgados por un ente que ya no existe.

Do not forget that Light Yagami himself contradicts his ideals, to kill all criminals, we often saw him kill innocent people, he even killed his own father, who ended up dying deceived by his own son, making Light a ruthless killer, although if we count the total deaths he caused, he would be more of a genocide. Do you really think it's good to support someone who ends up laughing sadistically at another person's death for mere satisfaction? All the acts he committed to do a greater good are abominable and reprehensible for any human being. You are creating a solution based on people's fear, you are not actually changing their behavior and way of being to evolve as a society. That is the world that Light built at the end, reducing crime in the world by 70% but at the cost of everyone thinking they can die at any time for doing something wrong, a constant fear of being watched and judged by an entity that no longer exists.



Nunca se sintió mal por los actos que cometió y disfrutaba de manipular a las personas a conveniencia, algunas veces usándolas de carne de cañón para salirse con la suya y el ego fue tan grande que en su enfrentamiento final con Near no pudo ni mantener la calma, decidió revelar su identidad con una risa malévola creyendo que había ganado, cuando ocurrió todo lo contrario, confesó todos sus crímenes. Y es que evidente él no es ningún Dios, no puede controlar las acciones de todas las personas a su alrededor y así fue que Mikami, alguien perfeccionista que siempre seguía una rutina, decidió actuar por su cuenta dañando los planes de Light. Matsuda durante varias ocasiones se llega a cuestionar si en verdad lo que hace Kira está mal, muchas personas también llegan a pensar lo mismo y es que no podemos reprocharles nada a ellos porque se ven beneficiado del fin pero los medios que se emplean es lo erróneo. Solo quiero pensar que no apoyan a Light por todo lo que hizo, sino por lo que provocó al final porque si es por lo primero tendríamos un problema bastante grande. Y es que al final Death Note logra bien su cometido de ponernos a pensar cuál es el verdadero sentido de la justicia y qué es lo que está bien y qué está mal, generándose debates como estos, donde igualmente todos sabemos quien estaba en lo correcto era L, quien seguía las normas establecidas por la sociedad.

He never felt bad for the acts he committed and enjoyed manipulating people to his own convenience, sometimes using them as cannon fodder to get his way and his ego was so big that in his final confrontation with Near he couldn't even keep calm, he decided to reveal his identity with an evil laugh believing he had won, when the opposite happened, he confessed all his crimes. And it is that he is obviously not a God, he cannot control the actions of all the people around him and that is how Mikami, someone who was always following a routine, decided to act on his own damaging Light's plans. Matsuda on several occasions questions himself if what Kira is doing is really wrong, many people also come to think the same thing and it is that we cannot reprove them anything because they are benefiting from the end but the means they use is what is wrong. I just want to think that they don't support Light for everything he did, but for what he caused at the end because if it's for the first one we would have a pretty big problem. And it is that at the end Death Note manages to do its job well by making us think about what the true meaning of justice is and what is right and what is wrong, generating debates like these, where we all know who was in the right was L, who was following the rules established by society.

Créditos: Death Note
Anime: Madhouse — Manga: Tsugumi Ōba / Takeshi Obata

Traducido con ChatGPT / Translated with ChatGPT via https://hivetranslator.com


I bought my daughter the live action version years ago as a Christmas gift. I have not seen it but once. Now that I read this, I feel the need to watch the series and maybe put in my opinion. 😁😁


The live action was the Japanese one? Because if it's the American one on Netflix it's pretty bad, it's better to watch the original anime.


All I remember is that I bought her the DVD. I do not know what version it was. I'd have to ask her.


90% of the people who argue in support of light are just doing it ironically, cause arguing about dumb things on the internet is fun. :p


Nah, I've actually seen people supporting him and agreeing with him with far-fetched arguments, they honestly didn't understand the series but ok.


I'm sure many support Light's position, but what you say really makes a lot of sense.

It would be great if you would share your perspective in a post for the community. Greetings!


Much of what you mention here always went through my mind when I watched the anime at the time, at first part of me thought and agreed that Light was doing the right thing, but as the chapters passed I began to question it, perhaps his charisma and the complex plot distracted us to finish waking up and understand that he was not really a hero but a great villain.

Great reflection here, excellent post! See you soon!

Mucho de lo que aquí mencionas siempre pasaba por mi mente cuando veía el anime en su momento, en principio parte de mi pensaba y estaba de acuerdo en que Light estaba haciendo lo correcto, pero a medida que pasaban los capítulos lo empezaba a cuestionar, quizá su carisma y la compleja trama nos distraía de terminar de despertar y entender que realmente no era un héroe sino un gran villano.

Gran reflexión la que aquí se platea, excelente post! Nos vemos pronto!


It is also important to realise that what Light is doing is not a long-term solution, because when they realise that criminals are no longer dying, crime will return to its initial state.

También hay que pensar que lo que hace Light no es una solución a largo plazo, porque cuando se den cuenta que ya los criminales no mueren, la delincuencia volverá a su estado inicial.


el team light esta en sus ultimas, esta claro que es un asesino y que el poder absoluto corrompe absolutamente


Totalmente, la gente que apoya a Light usualmente es porque también se ve como una buena persona, cosa que también ocurre con asesinos seriales en la vida real. Pero nadie puede negar que es un asesino confeso, no importa si quería hacer "un bien".


Really popular anime because it's a very controversial one.
Well I like Light but later on, my feelings towards him became neutral. He's too consumed by the power he had.


Power brought out his true personality but as the chapters go on he becomes worse and worse.


Light started as a good character in the series. He was disheartened by the injustice in society and had a clear vision – to reduce crime, especially rape. To me, it was a noble cause. However, sometimes even the holiest knights, when given a chance and power to do justice, perform badly because their desire for justice has no rules or moral values. They just want one thing, and that's justice at any cost. When Light was given power, he became a maniac. I think the manga writer intentionally showed L as a creepy-looking character and set the scenes in such a way that we hate L and like Light. The writer did everything to misguide us, which proves their skill. Sometimes writers intentionally test their manipulative skills when creating plots. Other than that, L wasn't a good guy either. His whole life's purpose was to kill a maniac. They could have kept the criminal records private and stopped the suffering, but they kept printing it in the media and showing it on the news, even after knowing how Light kills. The whole story got a twist with the notebook and pen; I believe they earned a lot from the sales. Also, they collaborated with games to sell exclusive L skins. I wouldn't deny that I kept wishing Light would stay alive and keep killing because I was blinded by the writer's manipulation, but L wasn't an angel either. He could have done better, but his focus was catching Light instead of saving lives.

I usually don't get impressed with blogs, even if I leave a curation. But this one was a 10/10 from my side, whether your arguments are correct or incorrect, you presented them well.

Dropping some pixie dust.


As such, if you remember correctly, L was hired specifically to catch Kira because the police didn't have the intellectual level to catch him. You could say that L never gave up because his ego wouldn't let him, he wanted to prove to the whole world that Light was Kira, that his theory was true in every way, he just never had the evidence at hand and when he was so close they killed him. With Light I think it's the same as with many serial killers who have physical attractiveness and charisma, they are supported by people just because of those characteristics, one of the best known cases would be Jeffrey Dahmer, you could even see people on Halloween dressing up as that killer.


Lovely way of thought...

A bit heavy on the spoilers though 😂😂😂

I feel the psychological debate is art of what makes the anime more fun and the online debate between right and wrong is what keeps the anime alive even though it has finished.


Hey, I don't think it's spoilers to mention events from an anime more than a decade old. But yes, debate is one of the things that keeps Death Note alive.


Well I love this anime a lot, it's a ver complex an interesting story.

I don't know if there's people that actually believe that what Light did was the best but I know that a lot of people like this character not for his actions but for the idea of having a somewhat antihero that goes through a moral dilemma but at the end did everything wrong.

But anyway I totally agree with your opinion, it's really on point about this character. Thanks for sharing!


I wish they loved him for seeing him fail but that's not the case at all, they love him for the way he thinks and the way he did things, they even label him as a hero when the anime tries to make him look the opposite.


Recuerdo decir por ahí que era "Team Kira" nada más en broma, porque viendo la serie si me llegaba ese cuestionamiento sobre si lo que hacía Light era lo correcto, pero la verdad es que no, empezó queriendo hacer un "bien" y rápidamente se puso a jugar a ser Dios, manipuló a mucha gente a su alrededor y no le importaba matar a gente inocente con tal de cumplir su objetivo, Light realmente era una psicópata.


Es totalmente eso, se creía un Dios, no le importó ni matar ni engañar a su propio padre, él era prácticamente un monstruo sin emociones, solo quería conseguir su objetivo mientras pensaba que era invencible.


Maybe because of his perception


His perception is that of a genocidaire.
