Happiness is a Choice — The Pursuit of Happyness


Are you looking for ways to search for happiness? Have you ever wondered how one can become happy in life? Maybe you've heard that the key to happiness is by keeping a positive attitude.

Although this statement is not incorrect, it isn't enough information to point out exactly what steps someone has to take in order to be able to find happiness.

The first step towards finding true happiness may begin with the realization that every person needs the support of others, no matter how strong they act or look on the outside.

Being independent does not mean being alone; it means having the capability of managing oneself without depending on one's surroundings for assurance and encouragement. Realizing this fact will help some individuals understand that they don't need to feel ashamed about asking for help from others.

Happiness is a subjective, objective, and relative matter. The main reason for happiness if we want to view it from an angle of scientific perspective is the dopamine rush.

Happiness is all in our heads; there are key things to keep in mind in order for us to keep ourselves happy. According to neurologist Candace Pert, author of "Molecules Of Emotions," the brain sends out chemical signals which lead to feelings of pain, pleasure, and comfort. These chemicals bind themselves with receptors within the body which create a response known as emotions.

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These little things can be found throughout one's day by making time for them and choosing not to get caught up in negative thinking patterns that are habitual or automatic. If one spends their time dwelling on how hard it is being single, then they will only perpetuate that idea into their thought process.

Seeking happiness might help individuals find new opportunities to be happy. The ability to define what makes an individual happy is the first step in the process to seek it. By incorporating new activities, ideas, and learning into one's life--one can start down their path towards happiness today.

"Happiness stems from neurochemicals that are produced in our brains when we experience things like pleasure or success."

Dopamine and Euphoria

The hormone which causes happiness is known as dopamine. It is also known as Feel Good Hormone. It is a hormone and neurotransmitter that play a vital role in our brain's reward system.

Dopamine is associated with any pleasure or sensations that make us happy. There are many things that can cause dopamine in the brain such as sex, birthdays, and Eid/Christmas morning, a gift, etc. However, these only last for a short time after they happen. If you do not have enough dopamine then you may feel tired or even depressed due to dopamine deficiency resulting in a lack of happiness. Dopamine is needed daily not just every once in a while since its release only lasts for a few minutes or hours after it is released into your system.

Dopamine causes euphoria. Euphoria literally means "a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness." It can be anything that makes you happy. For example, orgasm, reaching a cherished thing or life event, any achievements, or love. These things can all provoke feelings of euphoria. It is also associated with our body's glycogen stores and release of endorphins. For example, you can feel it after a workout.

Seek Happiness in Little Things

Happiness can be found in little things such as a smile from a stranger, the comfort of your favorite chair, a window sit in public transportation, a flower, or even just taking time to enjoy the silence.

It is important to stay present and remember that what you are looking for, happiness! When you feel stressed or unhappy about something it is important to take some time out for yourself and figure out why you are feeling this way. Once you have pinpointed the cause of your unhappiness it will make it easier on yourself once you fix the problem because then happiness will come easier since there is no longer an obstacle for it. So when you are unhappy find out what makes you unhappy.

Sometimes we subconsciously do not want to admit why we are upset. It may be the person you like isn't replying to your texts, or your favorite team losing miserably. Ask yourself the reason and try to fight the sadness. Talk to people about it. Talking about your sorrows and discomfort can make you happier.


Happiness is a choice. All you have to do is seek it and pick it. I would just say that do not let people or things control your emotions and make you unhappy. I have just shared my thoughts about happiness. I hope you can find happiness in all the right places. So let's conclude today in the Pursuit of Happyness!
