The little dragon - ✧Illustration process✧


¡Saludos, Hivers!
Hoy en lugar de hablar del proceso digital, hablaré sobre el desarrollo artístico desde el nacimiento de la idea, en qué me baso para crear las escenas, y el resultado visual que le quiero dar a cada una de ellas.

Greetings Hivers!
Today instead of talking about the digital process, I will talk about the artistic development from the birth of the idea, on what I base myself to create the scenes, and the visual result that I want to give to each one of them. Let's start.

✐ Concepto General

Muchas veces la idea surge de un simple objeto el cual quiero resaltar dentro de un dibujo, puede que a partir de allí salgan a flote más ideas para complementar la ilustración. En este caso, quería dibujar un dragón amistoso e inmediatamente supe que tenía que dibujar un niño junto a él. El estatus del niño, y el ambiente en general fueron surgiendo de forma natural hasta que quedé satisfecha con el boceto principal.

✐ General Concept

Many times the idea arises from a simple object which I want to highlight in a drawing, it may be that from there more ideas will come to the surface to complement the illustration. In this case, I wanted to draw a friendly dragon and I immediately knew I had to draw a boy next to it. The status of the child, and the environment in general, came naturally until I was satisfied with the main sketch.

✍ Proceso digital

Trabajo en Ibis Paint X desde mi celudlar, un Redmi Note 8, con un Stylus casere de papel aluminio y algodón XD. Sí, ya lo sé, no suena muy elegante, pero no tengo tableta gráfica, IPad, o cualquier otro aparato en el que pueda dibujar. Aun así, he conseguido buenos resultados y mejorado mis técnicas con una aplicación gratuita y recursos tan básicos como esos.
Espero que todos los que quieran aprender ilustración digital no se detengan con excusas ahora. Puedes hacerlo.

✍ Digital Process

I work at Ibis Paint X from my cell phone, a Redmi Note 8, with a homemade Stylus made of aluminum foil and cotton XD. Yeah, I know, it doesn't sound very fancy, but I don't have a graphics tablet, iPad, or anything else I can draw on. Even so, I have achieved good results and improved my techniques with a free application and resources as basic as these.

I hope everyone who wants to learn digital illustration doesn't stop with excuses now. You can do it.

🖼 Referencias

En mi opinión, es completamente válido usar referencias para crear ciertos personajes. He visto cientos de videos de artistas de dibujo y analizo la forma en que ellos desarrollan cierto objeto, las manos, los ojos, etc. No hay nada de malo en buscar inspiración o aprender de otros artistas siempre y cuando no se copie el trabajo de otros. Las fotos realistas ayudan mucho a que encuentres tu propio estilo de dibujo.

🖼 References

In my opinion, it is completely valid to use references to create certain characters. I have seen hundreds of videos of drawing artists and I analyze the way they develop a certain object, the hands, the eyes, etc. There is nothing wrong with seeking inspiration or learning from other artists as long as you don't copy other people's work. Realistic photos help a lot for you to find your own drawing style.

Siempre hay baches en el camino, los bloqueos creativos son muy comunes, sólo hay que tomar un descanso y no darle vueltas en la cabeza al hecho de no poder crear algo de la nada. Despejar la mente es importante, las ideas llegarán cuando menos lo esperes.

There are always bumps in the road, creative blocks are very common, just take a break and not dwell on the fact that you cannot create something from nothing. Clearing the mind is important, ideas will come when you least expect it.

Al final, conseguí ese aspecto cálido y amistoso que quería darle a esta ilustración. Siempre me han gustado las ilustraciones infantiles, y he seguido ese camino en mi aprendizaje porque me hace feliz resultados como este.

¡Nos vemos la próxima, Hivers!

In the end, I got that warm and friendly look that I wanted to give this illustration. I have always liked children's illustrations, and I have followed that path in my learning because results like this make me happy.

See you next time, Hivers!


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Another fantastic illustration! Your style is really cute 🧡 Ibis has a lot of power for being such a 'basic' app.

I also use Ibis Paint on my phone and I'm curious how you make your stylus. Will you explain it a little more? I'm envisioning a cotton swab with aluminum foil on the tip 🤔

Thank you!


To make the stylus you must use an empty ink pencil, cut a cotton swab and put the flat tip in the tube, then use an aluminum sheet and roll the pencil completely, make sure that the aluminum wraps part of the cotton of the tip. Moisten the tip of the swab and draw. When you feel that it fails, you should check if the cotton is not wet enough. In cases like this, cotton does not conduct touch and therefore does not work. I hope I was clear, I couldn't find a better way to explain it hehehe. If you have more questions, let me know. Next time I'll upload a picture of my stylus :D. Thank you for your comments. Bye!


Lolol, before you replied I wrapped a tiny piece of foil at the end of the swab and yeah 😂 no go.

Okay, I'm going to try your way when I get home tonight! I tend to misplace accessories, so knowing how to improvise is really helpful in case I can't find my 'real' stylus. I'll let you know. 😁 Thanks again!


Omg, your stylus works great!! I'm using it now. It's so comfortable because it's super lightweight, compared to the manufactured stylus I've used in the past. I could use this homemade one for hours. Thank you so much for sharing!!! 🧡🧡


I'm glad it served you. I hope now you can create great things.🤗🤗
