Trading is not everyone's cup of tea

When you have friends involved with #crypto-market you get suggestions to #trade and make #money time to time. Same has happened with me and with some past #life experience I have learnt something important.

I missed #shiba and #brc-20 meme coins but that does not mean I will simply put my money somewhere and take risk. I prefer to only purchase #crypto for long term.


I have #bitcoin and #dogecoin as my oldest holding. #bitcoin is at almost 2X from my price, I actually #mined them on #binance for myself and today they are worth good.

Every skill comes with hardwork and dedication, I think #trading is also a skill that is learnt after a big time and so many good to bad experiences, and so I can say that Trading is not everyone's cup of tea.

Few of my friends sat in group and started to do #day-trading together for few months and gained confidence but in long run they also suffered. The one with proper knowledge shined but those who were sheeps without knowledge cried.


I am happy that I was always away from something I don't have knowledge of. By the way #bitcoin is rising and crossing the 47000 dollars already, what are the experts thinking of this.

Are we in the #bull-run or will we see some noticeable drop again. I now have #hive, #Btc, #stx, and #mubi tokens with me and I want them to go 10X at least from where they are right now.

#Crypto-market to the moon and universe, haha.

Thanks for being part of this blog of mine.


Exactly, you are right. It is a skill and one must not simply get in to make money. I know people who lost 100% of their money is crap projects.

Stay safe.

