look at the beauty of this village.


Hello hive friends

Today I will share some pictures of the beautiful village. Everything is full of nuance. I really like seeing what is here, from the people, farmers, to the village atmosphere that everyone always misses. Whatever it is, I always want to write the impression, and I always have that and also some rivers and that's all I have while I'm in the village

I want to start now where lots of rice is starting to grow, green is the natural color around me. Carefully there is a lot that I can tell when I am here, the whisper of longing cannot be changed by anything because everything goes as it should when we step on the land of this village. I can see and feel what is here as well as cranes looking for food in the rice fields, hundreds of them are white, adding to the decoration of what life is like among the simple.

Now I show some of the ones to everyone that I can't move away from, just with a simple smartphone I can follow the pictures that are here, does that make me happy?? , Of course yes because this is something that makes my heart real and there is nothing I can hide when I am here.

Take picture
Camera:Vivo x60
Edit: Lightroom
Location: Aceh
