Why I Don't Talk About The Metaverse Anymore?

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There was a time when I discussed the Metaverse and the potential. However, over the last few months, the word has entered the hype cycle. In other words it is way over done. For that reason, I look at it as adding fuel to the fire.

In this video I discuss how outlandish this is and how we are at least 15 years from anything close to what is being proposed. Basically when I bring up these concepts it is to paint a picture for people what is possible. Right now, the Metaverse is like a marketing term that carries no weight.

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Talking about the metaverse is like talking about terraforming Mars or building a Dyson Sphere around the Sun. You can only talk about speculative technologies so much before there's nothing left to talk about.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You mean like SMT’s….? LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


hm no not really like SMTs
SMTs aren't even relevant unless HE fails.
SMTs were a technology that was easy to build but just made the cost of running a node too high. SMTs kinda like flying cars. There's no point in making them because they consume too much energy and the chance that they threaten the current system is high.

Forcing every witness to verify generic smart-contracts is massive overkill when we can just create a second layer that even has second layer witnesses and a different subset of nodes and servers. Networks that try to verify everything on layer one aren't going to scale.


Damn. There goes my next post.

And here I was going to talk about tokenizing a Dyson Sphere on Hive to make sure we are at the forefront of that revolution.

Of course, if we did that, by mid 2022 people would be saying that will happen by 2030.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


When you think about it, haven’t we been in a “metaverse” for 25 years now? With anything as a profile pic and anything as a username we have been metaversing all over the place for a long time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That depends upon you definition of the Metaverse and what the concept implies.

Have we been in the digital world? Certainly. Was it really virtual? That is debatable. It certainly is a 2-D system, not 3-D and nowhere near immersive.

Depending upon the view, many believe those are required for the Metaverse.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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I kind of feel bad for those buying into metaverse stocks now since it is only hype about an abstract concept.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am not so much feeling bad as shaking my head at the foolishness.

But people do that. Just like they bought Snap believing it was an AR play when it went public. I havent looked, the stock might have done well but I can tell you it was not because it is an AR play.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think Snap did well though and it definitely pumped after the pandemic. Overall it was just sideways for the first few years though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I watched Ready Player One for the first time earlier in the month. The contrast between Spielberg's depiction of the metaverse, and the current implementations via Sandbox, Crypto Voxels, etc etc, makes me feel like we need a few decades XD


Yeah we need a few decades on many levels. Technology is advancing at a tremendous pace yet people's expectations seem to be going a lot quicker.

The major changes to society from a technological standpoint will come from areas we do not expect. So while all are looking at the obvious, it is that which we cannot even consider that will change our lives.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It may not be a concept much discussed in the general culture but it is a very interesting topic among engineers, computer scientists and even artists in certain niches, of course there is still a long way to go before we can see some of its benefits applied.


I know we are years away from a fully developed metaverse but i don't think we will wait 15 years for it.


Short Summary:
Task discusses why he has refrained from writing and talking about the metaverse despite its increasing popularity and relevance. He notes that while blockchain and cryptocurrency will likely play a significant role in the metaverse's development, the technology is not yet ready for the convergence required to make the metaverse a reality. Task emphasizes the importance of advancements in computational power, edge computing, and AI for the metaverse to materialize in the future. He also touches on the concept of a post-monetary society and the evolution of technology over time, comparing it to the current hype surrounding the metaverse.

Detailed Article:
Task begins the episode by addressing a question he received regarding why he doesn't frequently discuss the metaverse. He explains that the reason behind his reluctance to cover the topic is its saturation in the current discourse. Task highlights that the concept of the metaverse, once confined to futuristic narratives like Ready Player One, has now become a buzzword in the media, leading to inflated expectations and hype.

He stresses the inevitable role of blockchain and cryptocurrency in shaping the metaverse's future, outlining the necessity of the convergence of various technologies such as blockchain, AI, quantum computing, and mixed reality. Task predicts that true advancement in the metaverse will only occur when these technologies progress independently before eventually merging, which he suggests might not happen for another decade or more.

Task delves into the challenges that need to be overcome for the metaverse to become a reality. He points out the critical importance of computational power and edge computing in enabling devices to run sophisticated AI applications seamlessly. However, he notes that current capabilities are insufficient, highlighting the gap that needs to be bridged for the metaverse to flourish.

Furthermore, Task expands on the notion of a post-monetary society, where abundant monetary means and the removal of scarcity in the economic equation could redefine the concept of wealth and value. He speculates on the possibility of data becoming a future monetary unit, indicating a potential shift in economic paradigms over the coming decades.

Additionally, Task reflects on past technological hypes, drawing parallels between the current hype surrounding the metaverse and previous cycles such as virtual reality. He cautions against investing in purported "metaverse stocks," warning of the risks associated with speculative investments in an overheated market driven by hype.

In conclusion, Task urges his audience to look beyond the buzzwords and hype surrounding the metaverse, emphasizing the necessity of patience and critical thinking when navigating rapidly evolving technological landscapes. He reminds listeners that the future may hold unforeseen developments, akin to the unpredictable evolution of the Internet since its inception in the early 1990s.
