Moving From A 400 Year Old Era To A New One


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We are entering a new age. It is one we will see very clearly by 2035. The world will be completely different.

In this video I discuss how the age of rent seekers (extractors) is over and we are going into the Age of Development. This is happening on many different levels and is going to require a new way of thinking about everything.

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Great info - always loads of ideas in your videos that make me think. Would like to see you talk more about practical things that regular people can do to position themselves for this new world!


In this video, the speaker discusses the shift from an era of extraction and scarcity to an era of abundance and creation. He mentions the transition from physical items to digital products, aided by the internet and blockchain technology. The speaker emphasizes the need to move away from linear thinking and understand the holistic impacts of technological advancements. He believes that by 2035, the world will be drastically different from what it is today.

Detailed Article:

The speaker opens the video by discussing the historical shift from the agrarian age to the industrial age, characterized by extraction, rent-seeking, and division over economic systems like capitalism, socialism, and communism. He highlights that the focus was on finite physical resources and centralized information control.

Moving on, he delves into the current transition towards an age of abundance, where individuals are empowered to contribute and create instead of extracting. The speaker introduces concepts like the prosumer and non-extraction, emphasizing the era of development and creativity.

The discussion then shifts to the impact of the internet, particularly Web 2.0, which allowed for decentralization in information sharing, challenging the power of centralized networks and creating space for individual content creators. The potential of blockchain and censorship-resistant platforms in further decentralizing information is also touched upon.

The speaker extends the notion of non-extractive models to various sectors, including energy, materials, food, autonomous vehicles, and artificial intelligence. He describes a future where energy production becomes decentralized through renewable sources, physical structures can be created atom by atom, and food production is tailored to individual needs through advanced technology.

Moreover, the speaker critiques linear thinking prevalent in political, economic, and social spheres. He argues for a holistic approach in understanding the interconnectedness of technological advancements and their diverse impacts on various industries and sectors. He stresses the need to adapt to exponential growth rates and embrace decentralization in all areas.

In conclusion, the speaker predicts a rapid transformation of society within the next 10 to 15 years, leading to a drastically different world by 2035. He warns of potential dystopian outcomes but also calls for awareness and a shift in mindset to adapt to the forthcoming changes effectively.
