LEO Listed On New Exchange: The Reach Of Hive Is Expanding Slowly


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The LEO token was listed on a new exchange. While this is not Earth shattering, it does show the reach of Hive is moving out little by little.

In this video I discuss how this move shows the incremental growth of Hive and how all applications increase the totality of it all.

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It is about time invest in Leo


Hah nice how much to get KANDA listed? You xan list LEO on @tipcc for $100 and also you can get on alcor now if u make eos leo ...and theyll have erc20 gateway for eth leo ... also u can make NFTs on alcor for eos leo or LEOS

Posted from Telokanda Hive Dapp


In this video, the speaker discusses the recent news of Leo, the Leo token of Leo Finance, being listed on the Cryptics24 exchange. This listing provides validation for the Leo token and project, offering Hive users the ability to swap tokens for Bitcoin and USDT. The speaker emphasizes the importance of this listing in expanding the reach within the Hive community and highlights the decentralized nature of growth and development in the blockchain world. The speaker reflects on the potential impact of multiple applications garnering users and the significance of incremental progress.

Detailed Article:
The video begins with the speaker introducing the topic of Leo Finance's token, Leo, being listed on the Cryptics24 exchange. The speaker acknowledges that Cryptics24 is a relatively new exchange and expresses limited knowledge about it, focusing on the listing of Leo for trading with Bitcoin and USDT pairs. This listing is deemed important for Leo and its community as validation for the token and project, offering an external platform for token swaps.

The discussion evolves to emphasize the broader significance of this listing within the Hive community. The listing is seen as a step towards expanding the reach of Hive beyond its base layer, highlighting the ecosystem's diverse projects like Leo Finance, 3Speak, and other platforms. The speaker delves into the decentralized nature of growth within the blockchain world, contrasting it with traditional hierarchical structures prevalent in centralized systems. Despite the apparent chaos, there is a recognition of the organic evolution and effectiveness in achieving goals within the decentralized environment.

Furthermore, the speaker touches upon the concept of each individual community within Hive acting as an ecosystem within the larger cryptocurrency system. This viewpoint underscores the potential for various applications to contribute to the overall growth and development of the crypto ecosystem. The speaker emphasizes the importance of incremental progress, citing examples of applications with modest user bases having a collective impact when viewed in aggregate.

The discussion widens to explore the idea of numerous applications each making small contributions, ultimately leading to significant progress when combined. The speaker highlights the power of numbers in driving growth, even if the distribution of success is uneven among different applications. The speaker also points out the varying sizes of markets that different applications target, from niche markets to larger sectors like fitness, video content, and finance within the crypto space.

In conclusion, the speaker reflects on the Leo token listing as one of many positive developments within the Hive community, underscoring the value of incremental progress and the collective impact of multiple advancements. The video ends on an optimistic note, celebrating Hive's three-month milestone and looking forward to continued growth and success in the future.
