Trading As A Profession: We Can Make It A Study

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Trading is a great way to make a great deal of money off our money. It is also a practice that most people lose money at.

In this video I discuss how we can make trading a study, like we do any other profession. It requires dedication and effort, actions which will improve our returns.

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People are getting excited when they see someone makes that amount of money only by trading. Trading is a skill. You need to control your emotions and do what is right to do. Thank you @taskmaster4450le for sharing your thoughts about this.

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In this video, Task discusses the idea of trading as a profession or part-time activity. He emphasizes the importance of treating trading as a serious endeavor, akin to pursuing a degree, and highlights that success in trading requires commitment, dedication, and following a systematic approach. Task stresses the significance of developing a trading system, sticking to established rules, and eliminating emotional attachments to money. He also mentions the necessity of viewing trading as a learning experience and focusing on continuous improvement.

Detailed Article:
Task starts the video by underlining the lucrative opportunities that markets offer for making money, emphasizing the need to approach trading with a studious mindset similar to that of pursuing a college degree or a professional qualification. He points out that success in trading goes beyond just buying low and selling high; it requires discipline, effort, and a methodical approach. Task draws attention to the common pitfalls most traders face, such as failing to follow the basics and letting emotions cloud their judgment.

Moreover, Task shares his personal motivation for delving deeper into trading, reflecting on his decision to transition away from a traditional career path after decades in the rat race. He mentions the financial responsibilities associated with supporting an elderly parent and how this has prompted him to reevaluate his approach to trading. Task asserts that there is a methodology or system that can lead to success in trading, noting that there are various trading methods and systems available, each with the potential to be effective.

Throughout the video, Task stresses the importance of self-discipline and humility in trading. He highlights the need to set aside ego, follow established rules rigorously, and approach trades devoid of emotional attachments to money. Task emphasizes that successful trading is more about mastering oneself rather than trying to beat the market, asserting that dedicating time and effort to becoming a superior trader is key. He also touches on the significance of viewing trading objectively, focusing on adherence to predefined parameters and learning from both wins and losses.

Additionally, Task discusses the idea of treating trading as a study, noting that anyone can succeed in trading regardless of age or background. He remarks that trading is a skill that can be honed through practice and that there are various approaches traders can take, ranging from aggressive to conservative. Task underscores the need to view trading as a game of strategy, where continuous learning and adaptation are crucial for long-term success.

In conclusion, Task encourages viewers to approach trading with a mindset focused on continuous improvement, rule adherence, and a commitment to self-mastery. He emphasizes that success in trading is achievable for anyone willing to put in the effort and follow a systematic approach, ultimately leaving viewers with a message of empowerment and possibility in the world of trading.
