Days Gone: No One Saw It Coming

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

In the last episode of Days Gone I set to work on clearing out these Ripper camps, they've been a thorn in my side for far too long. But slow and steady will get me there of-course and besides that I am somewhat invested into the main story-line now and I just want to keep digging in more and more. With that said I do have to clear out the map as well since it will allow me more freedom and flexibility to fast travel to certain destinations but it is yet to really prove a problem since I'm absolutely having a blast driving around on the motorcycle.

You get to map out the map better, knowing where the turns are and where the dips are but most people don't really bother for that much! Well this episode is going to be very action packed and eventfull! Some crazy things are starting to happen and one of them being Boozer losing his mind!

Heading Up North Again.

It really just isn't something that's easy to let go off and especially so if you didn't actually see that person dying. You're always out there wondering, hoping for something to turn out the way you hope it would even though the odds are stacked up against you like a mountain range. Well sometimes we've just got to defy and conquer the mountain range then ey. I don't blame Deacon since I would have likely hanged on the same thread were I in the same situation.

But before we can just waltz from one place to the next we've got to remember to stack up on bullets! It wont be the first time I was caught with empty clips and storming hordes! So a quick stop at Hot Springs Survivor Camp is a must.

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Something Eerie About This Place.

I'm not sure what it is but something about this place feels wrong and off setting. Maybe it's just because I know this to be the last place to find Sarah or it's because the whole place burned down to the ground and everyone and everything with it both the living and the dead.

It's almost as if something sets eyes on you the moment you drive up the road leading to the camp in the mountains. As if there is a sleeping horde just waiting to be stirred into anger and hunger.

Deacon spoke a little about how he felt lately and the little kid he rescued. Things were stacking up for the man and speaking the words even if it may not even fall on any ear to hear can sometimes be a burden let go. Especially over something so deep. Boozer seemed to be adding to the pot of worries for Deacon as well.

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All This Talk About Boozer Has Me Worried.

I have been meaning on popping by again sometime and what better time than right now? I decided to cut through Marion Forks to save up on a little time but Marion Forks still has some thick Freaker Nests that has to be dealt with. Now I'm not planning on dealing with all of the nests just now but I drive by every now and then and every time I just drive by doing nothing so this time I'll be clearing out one nest every time I pass by.

A creepy old place with the school bus parked in the middle of the road.

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This Is The Problem At Marion Forks.

The place has been left free for these freaker to brood and breed in. Not in a reproduction sense but in a sense of them clustering up in that little town. It's almost as if they call on each other to merge into hordes!

Everytime I just stop to get off the motorcycle I get run over with all these freakers and the best part is that I've not even burned down one of the nests in the town which can even aggro them more!

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The other problem being the noise I make.

Now of-course I can just pull a pistol and whip them all but the problem is with each one I shoot there are two more aggrivated by the gunshot so at the end of the day you have a horde chasing you and at the end of the day I have to use all my molotov cocktails to get rid of them quietly. That's also the thing, using up all the cocktails doesn't help me that much since I need them to get rid of the nests.

Do you see how I can be stalemated each time!

Needless to say the moment I had a chance I ran into one of the nest infested buildings and I chucked down a molotov and ran like hell to get on the motorcycle and be out of there!

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It's Even More Eerie Coming Back Home!

Things have been off with Boozer and I think most of us saw this coming.

The last two or three times I came up the mountain on the way back to base camp I've noticed an increase in the amount of Freakers roaming around here. This has never been the case, not even when we took over the mountain.

Arriving here in the dead of night with not even so much as a candle burning has me more than worried for Boozer. Sometimes I just wish he would start listen to the advice I try to give him.

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The Fever Dream.

Coming back home I found Boozer sleeping and since I had a hell of a week with less sleep than I had time to eat I decided to fall into the coffer as well. Can't do much without sleep and the focus is even less then.

Hopefully by the time I am awoken Boozer would also be awake. We need to discuss a few things and even more so his health condition which is affecting him badly.

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Instead I Woken By Delusion!

This sealed the deal and I now was sure that things aren't as good as I hoped for them to be!

I was awoken by Boozer shouting hysterically and pointing the shotgun in the direction of the door all the while mumbling "They are getting closer, get them off me." Or similar things.

It can only be one thing affecting a man like that and that's fever that has gone way too far. It might be that the man has blood poisoning. Now we've got ourselves into a shitstorm and now I am glad I've burned down the Ripper camp and everyone inside it!

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Getting a gun off a man that is delusional isn't the easiest thing there is to do.

No matter what you say you will not get through in his head and he will be alarmed by every small little move you make. I had to slowly creep my way forward and then make a move to get the weapon from him. It did crack a shot and luckily neither of us got hurt in the process.

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It was then where I decided enough was enough!

I had to get Boozer somewhere where they might be able to help him or someplace that has the right medical supplies to get him healed up once and for all!

Convincing him wasn't all that easy, he was delusional to say the least and even more paranoid than ever. With that said convincing him to take a ride with me on the motorbike was a whole deal easier, to that he did not so much as blink to object!

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When Was The Last Road Trip You Took?

It feels like what has been ages since I've taken the last road trip, it was even long before the world changed. I wish this road trip could have been planned under a different set of circumstances but we are in this situation now and we've just got to scrape and claw our way out of it!

We've traveled quite the distance away from home already, it's not like we traveled very far in terms of the old world but ever since this outbreak we haven't strayed very far out of bounds of this area so it would be fair to say we've gone farther than ever in a long time!

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There Always Seems To Be A Silver Lining.

Now when it comes to Boozer there is always some sort of silver lining he would find around the cloud!

If the man can still laugh at me cutting the beard of trying to look good for heck knows who, well Boozer is the man you can count on to give a mocking or two!

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This Is Not What I'm Good At!

Now I am left here to sneak into this camp all alone while Boozer is having a nice sleep next to the warm camp fire! In what world did I ever think that this would be a good idea to do, me sneaking into a camp where every second raider wants a little bit of my flesh for the taking!

Especially Iron Mike!

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I've Made It Quite Far But Not Yet Close Enough!

The problem I am dealing with now is that Boozer asked me not to kill anyone while trying to sneak my way into the camp, now this I didn't plan on but since Boozer asked I feel obligated not to kill anyone. I wonder what's gotten over the man since he is usually the one that doesn't like to keep those alive who we caught!

Needless to say a great deal of the end of the video is me trying to sneak into the camp and failing miserably! So we will be tackling this problem in the next episode, although I doubt I'll be able to make it all the way through since I've started the game on the HARD difficulty and I assume the game isn't going to get any easier now is it!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!


Dated 19/08/2023

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive


I heard a lot of people didn't bother visiting the memorial stone over and over again because it felt tedious. I actually really liked doing it. The ride is always chill and you get a lot of nice backstory for Deac up there.
