The Burning Horizon: Wednesday Walk

Well Hello There Fellow Adventurers And Hivers!

It's Wednesday Mah Dudes And Dudettes!

This time around the views were absolutely incredible!

I've decided that I think I might add a little update into my Wednesday Walk posts regarding the kitten I got. Well It's not a kitten anymore, he's more of a little terrorizing rascal now but damn is he cute guys! The reason behind this is unknown, perhaps I just have a ton of photos of the little rascal on my phone and putting them to use just makes sense for me. I don't know if anyone will really care for the little rascal but that is the least of my worries. 😅

The Fact Of The Matter Is That I Have A Damn Cool Kitten!

So It'll Be Wednesday Walks And The Life Of Shiroku From Now On.

But First The Wednesday Walk Adventures!

I didn't get a boat load of photos today because I figured what I had was already so damn beautifull why need more?

Laughs nah, I shouldn't be getting ahead of myself now, the thing is I didn't really see or notice anything that stood out for me. That might be because the view was damn gorgeous or the fact that the horses never want to come to this side of the farm for those beautifull sunset photo shoots!

I'm not even joking I was stunned by this sunset, it's not everyday where the clouds are spread out like smoke pulling into the sky. That along with the burning golden horizon is something I can stare at until it's not there anymore.

Honestly thinking about it now I am so damned lucky to live in the country I am and especially so where I am in the country. It's a big place but small enough to be peacefull enough but more importantly we don't have that rushed New York life traffic that you can sit in for hours and hours. No, well it's a rush for us because that is what we are used to, so anything more than what we have can be seen as a fuckup in the traffic.

Okay but where am I heading with this? Damn I like this free-writing life!


I tried taking a whole bunch of photos from a couple of different spots, more or less in the same direction just farther away and so forth. I have more photos but I think it's pointless adding all of them right? Let me know what you think and perhaps the next post I'll just smack them all in there!

I'd really like to know which one is your favourite of both the sunset and the Shiroku! Let me know down in the comments!



The Truth Is.

It's Not The Truth Anymore Though.

I wasn't ever one for cats, I adored them and especially so when they're little! Ain't nothing more cute than that, now I didn't hate on cats but I've always preferred a dog. It feels like more of a companion to me than a cat, a cat is more like a room mate. They want you there but not really, a dog will run to you if you call him not expecting to get food or nothing. A little bit of attention can go a far way for them!

But I've got the cat and I've actually stolen him from the mums. Laughs I swear she will never again show me one of her new pets! For fear of me stealing it, I did the same with one of my doggers!

The Little Rascal!

Don't be fooled he is only cute nowadays when sleeping and he doesn't do much of that anymore as well, or not that I can see. During the night he runs around making a whole bunch of noise (Which I can forgive! The little guy needs to train his muscles right!) And then during the day he most likely sleeps and bathes himself!

Whenever I sit in front of the laptop typing up a story or watching something he always jumps up to cuddle on my lap. I suppose he knows I'll be sitting still for a while but when he does that I sort of don't want to move because well I don't want to disturb him!


It Would Seem My Lap Is His Place.

Even if the Betty is around he wouldn't want to sit with her, she'd have to take him away from me forcefully just to get some of his attention. But after she's gotten enough of him he runs straight back to me and jumps into my lap!

Whenever he's around other cats his wild side comes out! It's almost as if he is trying to show something. You know like the man is in the house now.

Anyways that's a wrap! I think I've shared enough of this little rascal on my Wednesday Walk post!



Dated 30/08/2023

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Charming and fiery sunset that presents us in your walk. It seems that bursts of fire were emitted from a nucleus. And of course the feline is very cute.


How anyone can miss this stunning view of sun setting. This is heart captivating view for all the nature's lovers.


for the sunsets firstly I never tire of seeing them and my favorite is the first one

your cat is so so cute our one who passed a few years back was a pain when I was trying to work on my computer in her mind one hand for typing was enough the other one should be busy patting her, she wasnt a lap cat and ruled the house lOL

seeing your one makes me almost want another one

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)


Oh but one hand for typing is for sure all you need 😂✋cat rules I'd say!

This little one is the same, although if I ignore him long enough he tends to give up... But.... Ignoring him I'd so damned hard😂😂


ohh yes for sure I got very adapt at one handed typing lOL


It is hard to decide which sunset photo is the best... all are gorgeous. But the fluffy sleeping kitty is so cute too 😊
