Blogging On Hive Using ChatGPT And Other AI Tools: Where Do We Draw The Line?


One of my recently onboarded friends just found out about ChatGPT and was blown by how well it answered questions and gave its opinions on so many matters. In two days, he used the famous AI tool to complete an assignment that would have otherwise taken weeks to complete, and yes, it's free to a great extent of plagiarism. As someone who has been struggling to create content consistently on Hive, he suggested if he could use the bot to create contents on Hive. My answer was an instant no as I talked about how Hive is a personalised blog, and not some copy paste platform, but then, the topic came up again on Twitter on how AI generated blogs are already being monetised on Hive and I have no choice but to ask the community on their taught on this.


A couple months ago, there were so many people against AI art being monetised in the art space where many traditional artists worked day and night to produce beautiful masterpieces, but now, some AI generated art created in a matter of seconds even sell more than art created via sweat and pain. On Hive as well, AI art is now gradually accepted but what makes it different is that there are a personalised words written with the art, like the writer sharing their experience while creating and so I feel its still very acceptable. Using Chat GPT however for written words maybe different and I'm still not sure if I'm in support of it unless somehow it isn't used to abuse Hive and only helps creators in their process of creating content.

With regards to creating content, Hive is special for a reason. Blogs on Hive are personalised, fun to read, and give an insight into the lives of most creators here. Most times, people show follow other creators just for their style of writing, the originality and fact that they are consuming something created by an actual human. Copy paste from AI tool could be regarded as low effort but would a content produced by the same AI tool but has been refined and personalised by a creator be seen as a quality content and worthy of support? Where do we draw the line? Please feel free to share your thoughts on this.


I think there are going to be a lot of benefits from ChatGPT and there are going to be a lot of disadvantages, how people use ChatGPT differs.


AI generated written content is not your genuine content and shouldn't be monetized.

Otherwise all posts will be AI generated. Throw in some prompts, wait a minute, get paid. That's not sustainable
