Garden Update: Replanting Lettuce in Individual Pots + Other Plants' Growth

It's been a while since I've updated on our personal garden. So far, our plants are growing pretty well. Unfortunately, the chili we planted on the egg tray didn't survive because of the soil we used. It became dry and hard plus the weather has been crazy hot these days.

We changed the soil for some of our plants and they've been growing even better since then. We'll just need to plant more chili and bell pepper seeds next time.

Anyway, last Saturday, we re-planted our lettuce because as you see in the picture below, they've been growing pretty well and we'd need to transfer those group in individual pots.

In two of the recycled containers, there are twelve lettuce seedlings. We decided to replant 12 of them and the other batch would be given to or neighbors and some would be planted in the community garden, which we did last Sunday. I'll be posting a community garden update soon. :)

This was the batch that mama and I had to replant. But before doing so, let's get ready! :)

The pot papa bought had really huge holes and the soil would eventually fall, so I cut out an old curtain and use it as a strainer for the soil.

Once the pots were ready, we prepared the soil and mixed it with rice hulls. So, mama and I would transfer the mixed soil into the pot, add some water then I replant the lettuce individually. Here was how it looked like.

For the remaining batch, I took more soil from the previous container because the lettuce's roots were quite deeply attached. :)

We started in the afternoon after watering the plants both in our family garden and the community garden, so it was already dark when we finished replanting. As for the place to put these replanted lettuce on, papa took care of that.

We arranged them at the back of our house. There are some ornamental plants below it, but we're planning on transferring them outside and planting some malabar spinach below the lettuce. We still more soil and some wood for the vine.

The next day, I went to check them out and took a much clearer picture of them. I hope they grow big soon. <3

Now, let me update you wit the other plants.

We have harvested this bok choy's leaves twice in the past and now, one of them even grew flowers. It's so pretty!!!

This is one of our tomatoes. We have another one in the front yard while the rest are in the community garden. :)

Then we have our eggplant which grew bigger after we changed the soil and transferred it to a bigger pot. Beside it is labuyo chili and at the back is our bonsai okra.

And speaking of okra, they're both starting to grow the actual vegetable. It's fun because they're so tiny. We have some regular okra in the community garden and their leaves and stems are much bigger.

And lastly, the moringa we have already started growing a bunch of leaves. I can't wait to harvest them and eat some veggie soup with it. We only have one in this recycled container, but we have a bunch of them in the community garden, hopefully those grow well, too. We'd need more healthy soil, though. But eventually, we'd be able to improve it more. :)
My weekend afternoon is my time to do more activities both in our family garden and our community garden. I do visit our family garden every morning before work. Must check for worms and other stuff that might hurt them. :)

Thanks for checking this out! Until next time!!! <3
