Garden Updates: The Future Potted Trees in Our Garden... <3

Hey friends... it's time for another garden update.

A few days back, the garden soil we ordered was finally delivered. The person who we usually order from was busy, so there were some delays, but it's not really a big deal.

It was delivered on my work day, so I couldn't really help with the replanting. My papa did it, instead. It really helps that both my parents and I are into gardening, so everyone volunteers to do things for the garden.

He replanted the dwarf papaya tree into a larger makeshift pot. We're really excited to see it grow even more. It might be potted, but they're growing steadily. I took some photos of them and I'm going to share it below.



This is papaya number one.



And this one here is papaya number two. We only kept two seedlings and gave the other seedlings to the community garden. It's quite sad though, because Kuya Rolly and Ate Melda (our neighbors who are very active in taking care of the community garden apart from us moved out). They went back to their hometown together with CJ, one of the kids who's also very active in helping me with the garden. I'll surely miss them.

Anyway, Kuya Rolly was the one who planted the papaya seedlings there last time. We don't have much time to plant something there these days, so we just focus on our home garden.



Aside from the dwarf papaya trees, we also have two guava seedlings. This one above is guava tree one. We germinated the seeds a couple months back, and it's this big now. I'm happy to see it thrive. Well, guava two is much taller than this one.



We placed them in our front yard for now. We transfered the regular okra plants that formerly occupied this space at the side garden because they've grown pretty tall already. haha


We transferred most of the ornamental plants outside the fence. We have a small space there with beautiful ornamental and flowery plants. We want to have more space for our vegetable garden inside the fence, so we had to move them out.



Our bitter gourd seedlings are ready to be transferred or replanted. Papa is working on the makeshift pots for them... and we'd probably replant them this weekend. I'd have to work on both days, though... Well, I'd be free Sunday afternoon.. so maybe by then? We're going to place it in the backyard.

Lastly, I have to sort out the dried calamansi seeds soon. Some of them are empty, so it would be pointless to plant them... Hopefully, we'd also be able to grow some calamansi tree in pot someday... Anyway, they're not that huge to start with. ^^

Thanks for reading my update! Until next time! (^^,)/


I also have Pawpaw tree as well. But the growth and development of it makes me doubt on it because of the weather condition. But I'm putting my positive effort on seeing that it comes back to Life again with more green leaves on it.


Ohh... I hope they indeed come back to life and grow healthily. Is it very hot in your place?
