Garden Updates: They're Growing and They're Crawling... <3

Hey friends!
It's time for another update.

So last week, we finally transferred our bitter gourd in a much bigger container and attached some bamboo for it to climb and crawl onto. In just a week or so, they've already started embracing and going around the bamboo stick and it's just so fun and interesting to observe them.


Look how lovely it's trying to crawl up. I took this photo this morning and I find it fascinating. The other smaller plants in the same container are steadily growing, so in a few more weeks, there would be more vines on this bamboo stick.


As for the other container, two different bitter gourd plants have started crawling upwards. I needed to guide them to hang onto the bamboo, though. But this situation was better than a few days ago. That time it wasn't really sticking onto the bamboo stick, so it didn't grow upward, but now it is.

This container's bitter gourd plants are growing much faster that those from the other container, but they'd catch up soon enough. I'm excited to see more vines in the coming days.

So much for vines, we transferred our papaya tree in this side of the garden as well, and their growth has been amazing.



The leaves are much bigger while the trunk and branches are getting bigger and stronger. These are dwarf papaya, so they won't grow as big as the regular ones, but give it more weeks and they'd look even sturdier.


Perhaps you've seen much bigger aloe vera plants in my previous posts. Papa transferred the bigger ones outside. Some of our neighbors also asked for them, so we gave some away and just kept this smaller bunch in our front yard. We actually haven't used them, yet... but I'll find some projects or DIY stuff where I could actually make use of these babies. Do you have any suggestions?

And that's it for this update. There's no progress with regards the calamansi seeds, yet. I hope to see some sprouts soon. Thanks for checking and see you around! (^^,)/
