Bureaucratic Blunders!


I'm Fed up with the endless frustrations and bureaucratic blunders, I can't help but voice my deep disappointment with how Federal universities in Nigeria mishandle students' academic records, particularly the infuriating ordeal of incorrect result entries into the portal.

In a world where technology is meant to streamline processes, why do we still wrestle with manual errors and inefficiency in our educational system?

While results were being uploaded to students' portal some days ago, enthusiastically, I rushed to check mine and was disappointed at the sight of an F of 0 for a course that I gave my all. What's even more upsetting is the fact that this error messed up big time with my CGPA.

I didn't lay much emphasis on it because I felt it was going to be rectified when I went to meet the lecturer in charge of the course. I was confident about the exams when I wrote it, I literally spent sleepless nights preparing for it so such a result couldn't possibly be mine.

Yesterday, I went to meet the lecturer in charge and he dismissed my complaint with a very delusional statement that drove me crazy. He not only asked me to retake the course but also said that my name is not on his list of those that took the course because I did late registration of courses. How come I've seen my other results and his own course is the only one that is recorded for late registration? The frustration amplified when, instead of immediate correction, I'm being thrust into a maze of red tape and indifference.


I mean his statement didn't make any sense because in my school, all courses are registered at the same time. It was heart wrenching and very infuriating because he didn't even care to pay attention to the one person that was making sensewhich was obviously me. It was clear enough they had misplaced my script or possibly might have omitted my name during the print out of students' names who took the exams and instead of him apologizing and saying that he'd fix it, he rather chose to shove my complaint under the carpet and move onvery lazy set of humans

Anyways, I'm not relenting or letting it go by going back to re-register for that course. I'd make sure I write a letter to the head of department stating the facts. I'd make sure they give me my deserved score. Months of hard work, sleepless nights, and dedication reduced to a simple typo that jeopardizes your future can be very traumatic.

I'm not buying that. I'll make sure to disturb them till my result is corrected. It's time we demand better, because education should be about enlightenment, not exasperation.




You just have to remain strong on your feet until things get sorted out. This sucks!


It sucks for real. I went to the office again today and was asked to come back on Monday. I'm so frustrated but I will keep pushing till I get what I want. Thank you so much for the encouragement<3


Sorry to hear of the issues - these days things like this don’t surprise me. There are a lot of issues that people don’t want to fix or simply can’t.
