Devastated... LOH contest #83


What was the most devastating event in your life?

An event I can never forget in a hurry is one which happened while I was still in high school. My parents were the type who expected me to not be so dependent on them for every school need and at that, I had to save up money incase of any sudden little need at school.

My best friend in school that year asked that we save in a joint account which I agreed to because it seemed like a nice idea. We both had access to the account and at that the account was linked to our phone numbers in case of any credit or debit alert.

It was a fun thing to do with a best friend whom I felt I trusted with my whole heart. Along the line, I lost my phone and that moment was very tough for me. My dad refused to get me a new one. He said he'd only do that on my graduation and it would be as a congratulatory gift. Wow! I had to stay without a phone and that meant I wouldn't know what's going on with the joint account.

I kept pushing money into the account and my so-called best friend would show me the balance and all. At some point, she stopped showing me the account balance. When I asked she'd say she didn't have data to access her bank app. I'd believe her and let go. I never wasted my lunch money given to me but would always save it.

Unfortunately, there was a school show coming up and we the art students had a lot to do compared to the science students. We had a lot of payment to do and when totalled it equaled almost the amount I knew I had saved up so I wasn't worried at all. The payment was compulsory else there'd be no participation for any student who didn't pay.

I was glad I had the money and wouldn't have to disturb my dad or mom for anything so I quickly ran to my best friend who was the only one that had access to the account at this point and asked that she withdraw the money and bring it to school the next day.

The next day came and she started giving me annoying attitudes. She avoided me for two weeks and when it was near the deadline for the payment, I had to confront her after school. There and then she told me she had needs for the money and so she used them all up and didn't know how to approach me on the matter. I really wanted to Know what she used the money for but at that point I was speechless and weak.

I wished for the ground to swallow me up but it didn't, I was so pissed and that was the first time we had a fight. I fought with her and tore her school skirt. She wasn't remorseful at all so I had no choice.

How I coped!!

It wasn't easy but I made sure we both didn't participate in the school show. We had always longed for that moment throughout our school year but if she had the guts to steal from me then she didn't deserve to participate or even be happy so I reported the case to the head teacher and she was put in detention till the show was over.

I never told my Dad or Mom anything but had to pretend like nothing ever happened. We stopped talking to each other and I don't regret it at all. What she did was evil and I hate it when people don't even have a conscience after doing evil. I've found it difficult to trust anyone when it comes to money issues. I'd rather keep my money myself. I don't even trust my own mother. Lol.

I answered question one in the LOH contest and I invite @rem-steem to join 💙.


Lesson learned at a young age, look after your own money, never trust anyone to take care of your finances for you!


It was a very big lesson learnt the hard way.


It was such a crushing blow, but the sure thing is she didn't deserve to be your best friend after what she did. I'm glad you copied it and learned a valuable lesson. All of these factors involved in money can make it difficult to trust others.

Thanks for sharing with us !LADY


I think money is the one thing that can test a person's faithfulness and sincerity but she definitely failed that course. Thank you for the token. I really appreciate 💞
