One Percent of You


For the first time I've read a book that delves fully into the life of a single mother and explains their thoughts, pains and struggles. After reading this book, my respect for single mom's quadrupled.

One Percent of You by Michelle Gross is a book I read to ease boredom but as I flipped through pages, I got more than entertainment, I felt more, I felt like I was watching a reality TV show plus, I learned a thing or two.

I'd say this book is a realistic book which describes the everyday world which the reader can recognize. It shows off real life facts, omitting nothing that is ugly or painful, idealizing nothing and it disregards sentiments and conventions.

Possible Spoilers ahead.

The book is told from the point of views of the protagonists; Elijah and Hadley.

Hadley becomes a single mom after returning home one evening to meet her sit-at-home doing-nothing all day boyfriend, Scott, cheating on her with her cousin. This sight totally shatters her trust and heart because she gave him her all despite getting critics from different people. Despite being pregnant with his second child, she still worked to feed him, her first daughter Lucy and herself. She worked, schooled and took care of them on her own. She loved Scott but sadly the love and efforts she put in the relationship was unrequited.

Pained, she sent him packing. Afterall she paid all the bills and he never contributed to anything. He wouldn't even babysit his own daughter. That brought me to ask; what do men really want? Because Hadley was everything. Hardworking, beautiful, smart, ambitious, name it. But Scott still cheated.

She was hurt and broken but then her little girl Lucy made everything beautiful as she understood every pain and smile her mom let out. She cried when her mom cried and was happy to see her mom happy. At four she was very articulate and understanding.


Elijah on the other hand is the dude who got off on a wrong foot with Hadley and her four year old but later turned out to be the man who shows Hadley how to be treated right as she wasn't used to little acts of kindness. They moved from being enemies to lovers.

I enjoyed reading this piece because the characters were realistic, familiar and relatable which keeps the reader glued. It wasn't surprising that I finished it in one day. The pacing and perspectives of the protagonists was so intriguing and thrilling that I kept flipping through more pages even after telling myself, "just after this one."

I solely recommend for lovers of from enemies to lovers type of story.

PS: not for younger readers as there are scenes and words that are not suitable for their consumption.

