Soccer Showdown II



link to first part

While strategizing on how to score a goal with my teammates, Reu walked up to me. She placed her hands on my shoulders, and I couldn't hold back from staring at her very pretty fingers. Reu was exceptionally beautiful and stylish. She excelled at almost everything, but somehow, people saw me as her rival; maybe she saw me as one too, as since I joined the school, I've been the only one people used in comparison to her. She hated that.

“Stay out of my way, otherwise, you won't get away with it this time,” she whispered in my ear, and I could sense the hatred in her voice. When she made a move to walk away, I grabbed her wrist, making sure my grip on it was tight so she wouldn't shake it off easily.

Looking her in the eye, I said, “If you're any less threatening, you'd be a dandelion.” The girls around us chuckled, and I could see her lip twitch up in annoyance.

“We'll see about that!” She blurted and walked away as I let go of her wrist.

“Beth, you sure are a rival for Reu,” Ria, a teammate of mine acknowledged, but I ignored her and moved on with my business.

I am one to reduce anyone displaying excessive pride and rudeness to their knees, especially when they try to play those blunt games with me. Soccer was supposed to be enjoyable, and no one should bring sentiment into it. In soccer class, we'd been taught sportsmanship over and over again, but Reu was bent on cropping out that part of the lesson.

When we trooped in for the second half, her team made the pass. I tried to stay out of her way, but it was impossible to do so as I scored the first goal that made the crowd roar out of excitement. My team members crowded me and raised me high up, chanting praises. It was my first goal ever since I joined the school's soccer team.


Reu’s face burned with jealousy as the match continued. She began screaming at her teammates. Again, she approached my goalpost with the ball and almost scored when I intervened by kicking the ball out.

Furious, she inched towards me and pushed me to the ground. Everyone gasped. “I asked you to stay out of my way.” She yelled and pounced on me. “I’d offer you a good strategy, but too bad, you're allergic to success,” I returned, and a sharp blow landed on my nose.

“If not for sportsmanship, I'd have put you in your place,” I groaned as I rubbed my nose. There was a little cut, and it bled.

Reu was given a red card and sent out of the game while my wound was attended to. I could see her mother scolding her for her attitude. Deep down, I wanted to retaliate so bad. She had gotten herself into my bad books, and if she dared cross paths with me outside the field, I was certain to teach her a lesson that'd live with her forever.

The match finally came to an end, and my goal made my team emerge as the winner. Surprisingly, Damien handed me a bouquet, which I took without hesitation as a way to fuel Reu's anger.


