Saturday Savers and Some Awesome Silver!

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Since it Saturday again I thought I should put together a post for the #saturdaysavers group. I started last week with my first official post with the hopes that it can help keep me on track to reach my Hive goals this year. Of course I can't just do just a savers post without sharing some very cool silver that I picked up recently. So definitely check that out near the end of the post!

This has been an odd week in that I missed two days posting due to issues I needed to get fixed up businesswise. Next week should be a little less busy, and I thought being semi-retired would give me more free time! It sure hasn't been working out that way...

Hive Power

Diving into my weeks progress... Last week I had a Hive Power level of 2716, not too shabby. As of this moment my HP is 2759, so only a gain of about 43. Not nearly as good as I would have liked. I'll have to double down my efforts if I'm going to surpass that 5K level organically which is the goal for the year. Last week I had a much better results so I'll have to get back to work on improving those numbers in the coming weeks.


My secondary goal has been to reach 50K PIMP tokens this year. Last week I had 14,913 and this morning I am at 17,272. I'm happy with my push there and have picked up some PIMP at good prices over the last few days. Now I have less than 33K to go and I feel like I'm back on target for this goal.

The reason I like PIMP is it is backed by physical silver in the PIMP vault. It's the only project I know of here on Hive or elsewhere that has precious metal backing the tokens. It's also being run by @enginewitty who is a reliable guy and a long term Hive supporter. #PIMP is definitely one of my favorite projects here on Hive.

Additionally I have decided to pick up some more EDSMM to mine more EDS tokens. I picked up seven more this week which pushed me over ten total. My EDS is sitting at 101.51, so hopefully those miners will get me some mining lottery luck in the coming weeks.

I did pick up twelve DRIP this week. It's a token that invests in promising crypto games and pays out returns daily. It's a speculative buy so I'm starting rather small. I'll be watching the progress carefully and may choose to go in a little heavier in the near future. I'll keep you updated.

I have suffered a major disaster this week, DHEDGE and DVS had the manager give up on the projects causing a massive decrease in prices. I was fortunate to sell my DHEDGE before the announcement but am still sitting on a pile of DVS which is a huge financial loss. It just goes to show you that crypto comes with no guarantees, and we must all be very careful when we invest here on Hive or elsewhere in the world of crypto.

Now for some extremely cool silver I picked up in my favorite little jewelry shop in Long Beach, California not long ago. This silver round was produced by the Intaglio Mint, a mint well known for high quality silver products. Just have a look at this badass silver!

About the round:


The Deuce Four Skull has history dating back to the American Revolutionary War and has thirteen stars surrounding it representing the thirteen original states in the United States. It is a celebration of the the nation's liberty and those who have fought to preserve it, and those who will yet do so. Best of all it's one ounce of pure silver! Overall a really cool silver find, it's the first one of these I have added to my stack. They have produced a new version yearly, after buying this one I think I'll have to pick up some more in the near future.

If you are looking to collect some high quality silver items you should check out the Intaglio Mint's products!

That will do it for my today. If you have any suggestion, questions, or comments please feel free to leave them below. I hope you're all having a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!

Keep on stacking!


I'm not a financial advisor and this isn't financial advice, please always do your own research before spending your hard earned money.

All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.


If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Oh you're doing really well there with the !PIMP stake! I see I have one left (or the bot was delayed, I don't know) either way, I'm trying to help you get to 50k rather sooner than later..

!PIZZA and some !LUV good night!


The Mrs is having the same issues being semi retired….. work keeps escalating Lol!🙄😇
Awesome silver, have you checked the spot price recently?👍


$27.84 at the moment! Work just keeps on coming!


That's a good drop in the price of silver, a couple days ago it was over $29!😀
I guess it's good that you were work is busy.......Liz really needs a break!
Her three work days, are really a full five days crammed into three stressful days!
