Bronze leaderboard progression & stacking solid rewards cards to avoid needing rentals


I am in the top 20 of the Bronze leaderboard so far

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You heard it right, I have managed to get myself into the top 20 of the Bronze leaderboard through my quest.. the quest to get more of these new rewards cards that are locked in place and to lower rental requirements each season, making it more affordable and for me to be likely to continue playing most days.

About 3 hours ago I was around rank 30ish, saw it and decided "You know what, let's go for it, see what rank I can stay at by the end of the season" and so I did just that. Why not though? I mean the rewards are incentive enough and at least if I get some more DEC, I can put it to use, especially if I get into the top 3 and get those juicy DEC rewards!

So I plan to try get to at least the top 10 if not the top 5 but whether or not I manage to keep it is another thing. Should I manage to hit a nicer rank before I claim the next lot of daily quest rewards, I will most likely update you on the progress, then wait until the end of the season to see where I stack up.

Legendary card and other cards

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As you can see, I have gotten lucky today and received a legendary, a new one at that since I only have one for the death splinter. The more the merrier even though I have a few gold versions, what I really care about is getting my summoners to level 2... I have like 2 or 3 more required cards for about 3 or 4 summoners, that will be handy in being more competitive with less rentals, when I have the ability to use more than level 1 cards!

My end of season reward chests are currently sitting above 60 and I am hoping for at least 70 and a better chance, at getting those summoner cards. Let's just hope with the end of this season, I get lucky to get at least 1 summoner to level 2, then another within a few daily quests next season!

When will I stop fully renting cards?

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I would say after the next season I should be stopping the rentals, beside maybe a few cards to help out over that season when I stop, just to keep competitive. Next season I will be looking to the top 10 leaderboard again, in bronze. Sure the silver rewards while renting are a lot better, but the cost is greater which is the reason I stick to bronze.

I know it is a slow and steady burn but in a way, cards being locked from turning into DEC or selling makes it easier to grow a collection as you progress.

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