Green Quote: “Making peace with nature is making peace with humanity.”


#GreenQuote of the Week

#GreenQuotes are weekly environmental quotes aimed at inspiring you, to take environmental

Making peace with nature is making peace with humanity.

If we want real and everlasting peace, we must make peace with nature. To make peace with nature requires that we engage in nature friendly activities, protect nature and sustainably use nature’s resources.
For example, if we go green by cycling, planting trees, eating locally produced foods, etc then we are playing a big role in reducing green house gas emission; hence fighting climate change.
On the other hand, if we continue with our unsustainable lifestyles, then nature will just continue flooding us, baking us, sending more disease pandemics, etc.
Peace with nature is peace with humanity for posterity.

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The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.

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