RE: Reign; Happy Birthday


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There is great writing skill on display in this story, @kei2. You introduce us to the different characters early. We know that Elsazar is a beloved aunt, who is deceased. We know that Reign is a young artist. We know that Elsazar had a profound influence on the development of Reign's talent and artistic sensibility. More than that, she had an influence on her appreciation of life.

Leap year birthdays as a way to accumulate time and experience--a great addition to the narrative. The story is very visual, which is appropriate for a story about visual art. There are many fine lines in this piece. The one line that stands out as superfluous:

Reign missed Elsazar so dearly

The inclusion of the line doesn't mar the piece, but for a writer as good as you are, it stands out for being unnecessary. Writers (good writers) never want to say something that doesn't need to be said. Reign obviously misses her aunt. The piece is almost entirely about the longing for those past years, which are recaptured at the end. You show us that Reign misses her aunt. No need to say it.

Thank you for sharing this most wonderful (excellent and imbued with wonder) story with us, @kei2.


Thank you so much. I read the piece again and I agree with the observations. I already showed I do not have to tell. I will take note in the future. I always appreciate good feedback.
