The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt | I haven't played an RPG in a very long time.


English version below

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¡Hola a todos!

Como ya muchos saben, hace un par de días hice un post mostrando mi nueva GPU y hablando superficialmente de todo lo que quiero hacer con ella, también mostré un poco de los juegos que podía jugar libremente y uno de estos juegos es The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Siempre que veo tests de GPU en YouTube este juego está allí el 100% de los casos porque, a pesar de ser un juego de hace 7 años, el aspecto visual es completamente espléndido, muy bien optimizado y también supera con creces el de muchos juegos que han salido en años posteriores.

No soy alguien que juega este tipo de cosas solamente por aspecto visual, porque si bien es cierto que amo cuando los juegos son hermosos, muy probablemente me aburra si la historia no es interesante o no me gusta alguna mecánica dentro de este. Así que esta es mi primera experiencia jugando The Witcher, no he jugado a ninguna entrega anterior así que tengo un mundo bastante grande por explorar.

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Este es exactamente el mismo lugar donde me quedé cuando abrí este juego por primera vez. No tenía ni la más mínima idea de dónde estaba, pero el lugar era relamente hermoso. No tomé muchas screenshots dentro de la mansión donde estábamos porque me centré en rushear todo ese lugar, aunque estuve muy perdido al principio lol.

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Poco después encontramos a este viejo quien parece ser un profesor ya que estaba enseñándole unos libros a una niña llamada Ciri. No tengo ni la menor idea si este juego es una continuación (secuela) del anterior o simplemente tiene una historia aparte, pero de ser una continuación siento que me perderé de muchas cosas y tampoco entenderé otras. De todos modos, por ahora la historia ha avanzado bastante bien y olvidé mencionar que al principio del juego hay una cinemática donde muestran una especie de guerra, así que asumo que eso ocurrió en las entregas pasadas.

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Es bastante gracioso que nuestro personaje (se llama Geralt creo) tenga una pose bastante épica incluso estando parado sin hacer nada. Si mal no recuerdo, el actor de este personaje es Henry Cavill, así que no me sorprende el por qué siento una especie de atracción a tanta masculinidad.

Realmente estoy enamorado de cómo se ve este juego, a pesar de que estaba en una especie de pequeña misión porque debía ganarle una carrera a una niña, me tomé unos segundos para apreciar la belleza de un juego. El cielo de este juego es mucho mejor que el de la ciudad donde vivo actualmente XD.

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Hace muchísimo tiempo que no jugaba un RPG y no es porque no me gusten del todo, solo que me he mantenido bastante alejado de los juegos offline desde que tengo una buena conexión a internet. Es gracioso porque a pesar de esto aún sigo jugando cosas como Geometry Dash XD.

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Es increíble que el cielo de este juego se vea igual de hermoso, básicamente no hay diferencia alguna entre el cielo de la cinemática y el cielo in-game. Por algún motivo siempre que hay escenas con caballos también hay escenarios épicos, y apenas comenzando esto se hizo notar.

Al comienzo se me hizo algo incómodo el cómo sprintar en el caballo, estar spameando shift constantemente no es lo mío pero supongo que es cosa de costumbre.

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Oh, olvidé mencionar que lo que vivimos al comienzo del juego era una especie de recuerdo/pesadilla. En realidad el juego comienza junto al viejo llamado Vesemir, quien honestamente me cae bastante bien y parece ser nuestro hermano, o alguien muy cercano a Geralt.

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Hasta ahora la mayoría de personajes relevantes dan buenas vibras, y los secundarios no tanto. Parece que se puede interactuar con cualquier NPC y esto me recuerda un poco a TWD ya que podías hablar en repetidas ocasiones con cualquier personaje acerca de temas relacionados a la historia o información acerca de ellos, así que esto me gusta de cierto modo.

Especialmente esta señora:

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De nuevo siento que estoy perdiéndome de bastante de la historia porque al parecer muchas personas ven a los "brujos" de mala forma. Asumo que dentro de este reino hay distintas clases o distintos tipos de personas, y nosotros somos unos brujos (honestamente no me gusta lo que somos, lol).

Y sumado a esto, unos lugareños de la taverna querían rompernos la cara.

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Me gusta mucho que podamos decidir qué hacer, espero que la historia sea de esas que cambian dependiendo de tus acciones, por algún motivo siendo bastante atracción por este tipo de historias.

Y como a mí no me gusta que me humillen (o intenten hacerlo), decidí partirles la cara a esta gente.


Es gracioso porque los 3 murieron de la misma forma, lol. Supongo que ellos son simples humanos y nosotros tenemos poderes, entonces esto me lleva a preguntarme: ¿A qué nos estaremos enfrentando?

Hubo una pequeña aparición de un Grifo, así que asumo que estaremos enfrentándonos a criaturas mitológicas. Esto me emociona bastante ya que espero enfrentarme a monstruos bastante grandes y terroríficos. Espero que mi experiencia probando un RPG de nuevo sea bastante satisfactoria, y no quiero spoilearme para nada viendo videos o imágenes en internet haha.

Siento que es el comienzo de algo bastante grande. Espero que The Witcher 3 no me decepcione y pueda completarlo al 100%. Muchas gracias por leer todo esto, y nos vemos en el próximo post.

English version

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Hello everyone!

As many already know, a couple of days ago I made a post showing my new GPU and talking superficially about everything I want to do with it, I also showed a bit of the games I could play freely and one of these games is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Whenever I see GPU tests on YouTube this game is there 100% of the time because, despite being a 7 year old game, the visual aspect is completely splendid, very well optimized and also far surpasses that of many games that have come out in later years.

I'm not someone who plays this kind of things only for visual aspect, because while it's true that I love when games are beautiful, I will most likely get bored if the story is not interesting or I don't like some mechanics within this one. So this is my first experience playing The Witcher, I haven't played any previous installments so I have a pretty big world to explore.

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This is exactly the same place where I stood when I first opened this game. I had absolutely no idea where I was, but the place was really beautiful. I didn't take many screenshots inside the mansion where we were because I was focused on rushing all over that place, even though I was very lost at first lol.

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Shortly after we meet this old man who seems to be a teacher since he was teaching some books to a girl named Ciri. I have no idea if this game is a continuation (sequel) of the previous one or just has a separate story, but if it is a continuation I feel I will miss a lot of things and I won't understand others either. Anyway, so far the story has progressed quite well and I forgot to mention that at the beginning of the game there is a cinematic where they show some kind of war, so I assume that happened in the past installments.

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It's pretty funny that our character (his name is Geralt I think) has a pretty epic pose even while standing around doing nothing. If I remember correctly, the actor of this character is Henry Cavill, so I'm not surprised why I feel some sort of attraction to such masculinity.

I'm really in love with how this game looks, even though I was on some sort of small mission because I had to beat a girl in a race, I took a few seconds to appreciate the beauty of a game. The sky in this game is much better than the sky in the city where I currently live XD.

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It's been a long time since I've played an RPG and it's not because I don't like them at all, it's just that I've stayed away from offline games since I've had a good internet connection. It's funny because despite this I'm still playing things like Geometry Dash XD.

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It's amazing that the sky in this game looks just as beautiful, there is basically no difference between the sky in the cinematics and the sky in-game. For some reason whenever there are scenes with horses there are also epic sceneries, and just starting this was noticeable.

At the beginning it was a bit awkward how to sprint on the horse, constantly spaming shift is not my thing but I guess it's a habit thing.

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Oh, I forgot to mention that what we experience at the beginning of the game was a sort of flashback/nightmare. Actually the game starts off with the old man named Vesemir, who I honestly like quite a bit and seems to be our brother, or someone very close to Geralt.

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So far most of the relevant characters give off good vibes, and the secondary ones not so much. It seems like you can interact with any NPC and this reminds me a bit of TWD as you could repeatedly talk to any character about story related topics or information about them, so I like this in a way.

Especially this lady:

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Again I feel like I'm missing out on quite a bit of the story because apparently a lot of people view "witches" in a bad way. I assume that within this realm there are different classes or different types of people, and we are witches (I honestly don't like what we are, lol).

And on top of that, some locals in the tavern wanted to smash our faces in.

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I really like that we can decide what to do, I hope the story is one of those that change depending on your actions, for some reason being quite attracted to this kind of stories.

And since I don't like to be humiliated (or try to be), I decided to break these people's faces.


It's funny because all 3 died the same way, lol. I guess they are mere humans and we have powers, so this leads me to wonder: what will we be facing?

There was a small appearance of a Griffin, so I assume we'll be facing mythological creatures. This excites me quite a bit as I expect to be facing some pretty big and terrifying monsters. I expect my experience trying out an RPG again to be quite satisfying, and I don't want to spoil myself at all by watching videos or images on the internet haha.

I feel like it's the start of something pretty big. I hope The Witcher 3 doesn't disappoint me and I can complete it 100%. Thank you very much for reading all this, and see you in the next post.


Hermano EL BRUJO 3 lo tengo ahí usando un espacio innecesario en mi disco, gráficamente esta hermoso, aunque lo poco que jugué si me parecía algo lento el combate. Si veo que lo sigues jugando quizás me anime yo también si veo que tus viajes te están gustando.


Hey bueno, vamos a ver qué tal me va en la próxima vez que abra el juego. Yo siento que sí merece la pena y es cosa de agarrarle la costumbre al combate.



Okay Gamergeek, deep breathes.

So the old man is name Vesemir. He is the oldest Witcher alive from the School of the Wolf and is the "mentor" to the other witchers in the school.

Ciri has something called Elder Blood in her which makes her wicked powerful. She is also a child of destiny and is linked to Geralt by what is called the Law of Surprise.

The Law of Surprise is something a witcher can request. In the case of ciri, after helping her mother, who was at the time the princess of Cintra, instead of accepting gold he told her that he will take something that she has, but yet doesn't know ( or something along those lines) Lo and behold she was pregnant, but Ciri and Geralt don't come together until after the fall of Cintra. Ciri's Father is also the Emperor of Nilfgard.

If you want anymore info, just let me know. I'm a nerd when it comes to this stuff, some might even say a Geek xD


To add to this, the Law of Surprise is how witchers were recruited. Sometimes Witchers requested the first thing the person see's when they go home. This was the case for a witcher named Lambert, whose father was saved by a witcher, and when the father came home he ran to give him a hug. Thus being the first thing the father saw when he got home.


I think Nilfgard is the kingdom where we live, right? Isn't that name "School of the Wolf" related to Geralt's nickname? I'm 100% sure he was called "white wolf" at some point.

How long do Witchers live? With what you're telling me, I'm assuming there are quite a few fantasy elements within this game, right? It will be pretty cool to see this, I already want to open the game to advance quite a bit. My plan is to play a lot more stuff (Rise of the Tomb Rider is among them) and go back to try games I couldn't have tried more thoroughly before (like Cyberpunk). So let's see how things progress.

Thank you very much for taking the time to make this comment buddy.

I'll take the risk to ask this: Is Geralt some kind of super-powerful wizard? (I hope this is not a spoiler for me).


Alright, it's time to go full nerd on ya xD

So there are multiple school of witchers. The Schools all specalize in certain combat stances, and have different morals. For instance the School of the Cat all turned into Assassins during the events of the second game. But one thing remains true for all "Witchers" and that's they slay monsters for money.

Witchers were originally created to fight off the monsters that spilled into that world during something called the conjunction of spheres which had portals from other worlds opening up.

Witchers are created through magic and potions ( you'll learn a bit of it later in the game). Witchers would get children, usually through the law of surprise, and train them at their respective strongholds. Their training was grusome and the majority of the kids would die before they underwent the mutations to become witchers, however the way to create witchers was lost long ago, which is why they're a dying breed. Even if a witcher survives their trails as a kid, they can still die while undergoing the final mutations.

The mutations allows them to drink the potions they create, heal faster then the regular person, and generally make them into a somewhat super human.

The whole mutation process is called the Trail of Grasses.

Geralt is called the White Wolf because he is from The School of the Wolf and has White hair. The reason he has white hair isn't because he is old but is because during the trail of grasses, he underwent so well, that they decided to do more tests on him. This here caused his hair to turn white.

Nilfgard is a different Kingdom, or well was. The emperor of Nilfgard always had a thing for conquering the other realms. At the end of TW2 the Emperor marched against the nothern realm capturing a few of them including Tameria. Tameria was easy to capture because thanks to his manipulation of the Witchers from School of the Cat, Tameria was without a king.

In the start of TW3 you are in a part of Tameria that has been captured by Nilfgard, which is why there's a scene at the in when the innkeeper is told by a drunk to take down the tamerian lillies.

And no problem! I love explaining stuff like this :) Just don't mind my grammar.


You'll also come to a point later on where you'll meet the emperor and he'll ask you a few questions about certain characters.

Letho is the Antigonist of the second game. A witcher from the school of the cat.

Roche is a part of the Tamerian Special Forces, and is a side character in the second game. At a certain point you can either decide to go with him or Ivoreth.

Ivoreth is a Scoia'tael ( A group of Elves and Dwarves who are a "terrorist" group)

Roche and Ivoreth play big parts in the second game. If you have the chance to play TW2, you should take it as IMO TW3 is a really poor game to jump into if it's your first witcher game, as it referencing quite a bit of stuff that happens in the previous games.


But one thing remains true for all "Witchers" and that's they slay monsters for money.

Yoo, that's why in one of the dialogues Geralt asked a lady if there was a payment for killing Griffin that was in that city. I have a feeling that we will do it sooner.

When you say that the School of the Cat all became assassins, do you mean witch killers or assassins in general?

Even if a witcher survives their trails as a kid, they can still die while undergoing the final mutations.

This sounds pretty complicated to be honest haha. You mean Witchers are creations? That's pretty curious, but I feel like if I keep asking I'll end up eating quite a few spoilers. Since you say I'll soon find out in the game, then I'd rather let the TW3 story begin to enlighten me.

In the start of TW3 you are in a part of Tameria that has been captured by Nilfgard, which is why there's a scene at the in when the innkeeper is told by a drunk to take down the tamerian lillies.

Did you play TW3 recently? Amazing that you remember this detail, I think it was a blue colored shield with 2 swords (my memory is not that good). Coincidentally that same gentleman is the same one that appears in the last screenshot after getting beaten up XD.

It's amazing how much I'm missing out on by not playing the previous games, but it sounds like there's still a lot of things I need to learn. I wish I had the heart to decide to play TW2 first, but I'm pretty sure I'll end up abandoning both games if I feel overwhelmed haha.

Again, thanks so much for giving me more background on the story, it's awesome that you summed it up in a few comments haha.


Yup, the witchers are creations. They're humans that become mutated during the Trail of Grasses, which is why people refer to witchers as mutant.

And the last time I played a full playthrough of TW3 was years ago. But I loved the game so much I platted the base game, then bought the GOTY edition ( NA version) platted that, and bought the european version but lost my password for that account. I currently have it bought on Steam, but I'm waiting until I get a 3080 to play it.


Oh, and yeah, they become straight up assassins. But to be fair, they were manipulated by the Emperor of Nilfgard. To prepare for his invasions of the northern Realms, the emperor made a deal with the School of the Cat that if they killed the kings of these realms that he would (IIRC) allow them to rebuild the school of the viper which was pretty much wiped out ( and my bad, Letho and the turned assassins are that from the school of the viper, not the school of the cat)


Se ve fantástico los gráficos y escenarios de este videojuego, nunca he jugado a ninguno tampoco pero en verdad me gustaría jugar alguno debido a lo popular que es y que si es mas o menos como Skyrim seguro me gustara mucho jajaja. no sabia que el personaje era un brujo, en realidad pensaba que era un caza brujas normal y corriente Lol


Apenas tengas una GPU potente sin duda llegate a probar uno de estos juegos hermano. No creo conseguir monstruos igual de épicos como los de Skirym, ¿pero quién sabe? Apenas estoy comenzando y estoy enamorado de cómo se ve el juego.


AJA PAPA HASTA QUE COMIENZAS UN JUEGO FINO Y NADA DE GEOMETRY DASH, eso sí te quiero ver jugándolo, hay muchos detalles de la historia que me gustaría contarte para que comprendas mejor el juego pero siento que es mejor que armes todo por tu cuenta. The Witcher 3 obviamente continua la historia de los dos juegos previos pero por suerte explican bastante bien las cosas y puedes entenderlo sin necesidad de jugar los anteriores, aparte otro detalle es que tienes el diario creo que se llamaba, donde puedes ver la historia de todos los personajes que vas conociendo y así saber su importancia dentro del juego o en la historia en si, ya te quiero ver enfrentandote al grifo y a otras bestias más que vas a encontrarte en el enorme camino de Geralt


No compares la plastewate de el brujo 3 con el poderosísimo Geometry DashGOD. El compadre gamergeek me dio una explicación un poco resumida pero bien detallada acerca de todos los acontecimientos de los juegos pasados. Ese tipo es una bestia así que ya tengo más o menos una idea de todo este juego.

El grifo me pareció bastante pequeño, siento que lo voy a matar con un tirachinas y todo XD. En un rato jugaré a ver qué tanto avanzo :P aunque también recordé que tengo pendiente a Black Mesa.


El juego es precioso chaval, creo que es uno de los mejores juegos que he jugado, y no lo digo por haberlo terminado, ya que no lo hice, pero la experiencia que me dio en tan solo 10 horas fue increíble. Es un juego muy completo, tiene muchos detalles, muchas cosas que hacer, vale 100% la pena. Espero que sigas la aventura, yo tuve que borrarlo por falta de espacio.


A mí me trae mucha nostalgia volver a jugar algo de este estilo. No pensé que fuera tan de fantasía hasta que vi el tema de la magia y demás, así que espero que hayan hechizos así super poderosos como los que tenía el Fable JEJEJEJE. Le voy a dar bastante fuerte, aunque también tengo planeado comenzar a grabar esos juegos que antes no podía (Cof, cof, Fortnite, Phasmophobia).


It's pretty funny that our character (his name is Geralt I think) has a pretty epic pose even while standing around doing nothing.

Hero stuff, I guess.

I heard a lot and saw many fantastic clips of The Witcher although I never tried it out. And I think my low budget GPU won't allow me to try it at the moment so I'll just need to wait for a better GPU and in the meantime, I'll just keep watching others play 😁
From your gameplay screenshots, I liked the scenes of the game too much. Especially that sunset scene is amazing.

I believe it won't disappoint you.


Hero stuff, I guess.

Idk but I don't feel Geralt is a hero at all XD.

What GPU are you currently using? You shouldn't underestimate your PC components, my humble GT 710 got to support pretty heavy gaming, so it's always good to even give it a try.

I'm completely in love with the scenery, so I can't wait to keep trying more of this game.


I'm sorry that I didn't respond earlier.
I got busy with real life game.

I'm using a GT 730.
I see my PC gets slow sometimes and that's reason I'm not trying heavy stuffs.
I tried God of War and it disappointed me. The game didn't even run.
But yeah, it's always good to give it a try.


Esos juegos donde las decisiones que tomas repercuten en la historia son lo máximo. Y tienes un montón de cosas y misiones por explorar. Estoy seguro de que lo pasara muy bien.


No estoy totalmente seguro de que las decisiones tengan repercusión en la historia, pero tengo una pequeña esperanza de que así sea.


Esta mercancía sí se ve buena, de calidad, te la compro, pa' cuando el gameplay???.

Por alguna razón es satisfactorio ver como alguien que antes no podía jugar uno de estos triple AAA por culpa de GPU, pues ahora sí puede, me da esperanzas de que algún día también yo pueda jaja, disfruta del vicio bro y si puedes vuelve a pasarme el discord de aliento please que se me pasó meterme, a ver que día coincido con ustedes una partida de un loquesea.


Arajo, grabar el juego probablemente hace que a mi GPU le termine de dar una embolia. Sé que es potente, pero tamporo para tanto.

Y no solemos jugar en el Discord de Aliento hermano, eso es una iniciativa completamente aparte. Nos la pasamos en el servidor de Discord de HiveGC, así que siéntete libre de entrar cuando quieras hermano.


I walked away from this game a few years ago and stayed away for too long because now when I fire it up I have no idea what any of the controls are, where I am supposed to go, or what the hell I am supposed to do. I'll likely need to start the game completely over because it is quite complicated. I don't remember why I stopped playing because it is a pretty legendary game.


You have to know very well what you are doing because in the little that I have played I noticed that there are a lot of skills and controls that I have to memorize (I'm suffering). If you don't remember at all what you played, it would be nice to start again, so you don't get bored.


I am downloading this game, as far as I know all the decisions you make are reflected in a positive and negative way I have read very good things about this game I want to try it
