How to use the tool to maximize the gains on the hive-LEO&HODL Contest



How to use the Hivestats tool to maximize the gains on the hive blockchain ?

The hive blockchain offers a number of communities and front ends which can be used by the a user to manage his web 3.0 experience.

Both Hive and are offering a great web 3.0 interface

Where specializes in giving a platform with focus on crypto, blockchain and financial information.

How all one can earn on hive and Leofinance ?

For you to earn from Hive, and a number of layer two based communities you need to have a account on the hive blockchain. If you do not already have then you can sign up here
Alternatively you can use the front end also to use your web 2.0 accounts like twitter and facebook to get your account created on the hive blockchain.
There are a couple of ways such as

  • Content creation
  • content curation
  • Following a curation trail
  • Delegating to a curation account
  • Leasing out your hive power
    As a user posts and gets upvotes he/she would find that the reputation score that appears next to your user name increases.
    Checking your reputation or that of another account is one of the first reasons a user goes to

Even though the reputation score is displayed in most cases next to the username
However the page gives a far more detailed information.
For example if I check like the @leofinance account the top of any blog it shows a reputation of 75

However visiting
shows a more detailed reputation score of 75.5

How this matters ?

As your account grows on the hive blockchain so does your reputation

How much is the vote value of your Hive account ?

The value if vote that you can give on a post can be checked from here as well


This is very important to ensure that you can curate at the maximum vote value. The higher vote that you give the more comes back to you as curation.

Super important to see the time in which the vote value would reach 100%
Keeping this helps you manage your voting power which though gets replenished in a 24 hour window needs to be given some rest so that it does not get over drained and make your vote value too less.
Viewing the Full in - followed up by the time lets you do just that.

Curation is an important part of earning

The right side of the page displays the curation earned over a period of 7 or 30 days as well as the curation APR


It also gives a day by day break up for the days of the week for the seven day window.
This helps you view how you are doing curating content and for it has helped me understanding what value each post brings to the platform.

This helps to see how an account is performing? how are the rewards coming in terms of content creation and posting and by way of curation.

How much hive power you have ?

The hive power of your account can be by way of powering up hive tokens in addition it can be increased by receiving a delegation.

Similarly a user can give out or delegate his power to another account.
All this information about an account can be viewed from where @username is the accounts usersname

All this information can be checked from account stats
Scroll down to see how your a numbers stack

Why account stats matter?

This is a good place to see the snapshot of how an account is stacked in terms of numbers.
Looking at an account that is doing well in terms of content creation or curation helps you understand the strategy adopted by the account holder.

The analytics is a good place to see account growth and activity.



Be it for 7 days or 30 days you get to see the earning by way of posting as well as curation.

The wallet tells a lot of information


If you were to check the wallet section one would see not just the net worth of the account but also information as to how much hive, hive power,HBD, HBD savings and leo tokens the account has.

Pending Author Rewards & Pending Curation Rewards

This section displays how the author post are performing, the frequency of posting and the vote value.

Similarly Pending Curation Rewards help in giving the list of curated posts and the rewards they generate.
Both parameters provide great insights into the strategy deployed by a account towards curation and content creation.

How much layer 2 tokens does an account accumulated ?

A user not only receives and earns Hive by way of getting upvotes he also gets layer 2 tokens depending upon the keywords used.

Thus if a person scrolls down to the "Hive Engine Tokens" section one can see the number of tokens held and staked.
This gives insights as to what communities a user is post to and how he is able to earn rewards not only in hive but also in these layer 2 tokens.
Watching how these layer 2 tokens are actively rewarding the users and their growth can help a user come up with his own strategy to choose the right and the most profitable communities to post in which provide maximum interaction and rewards.

What to post about on hive and leo finance ?

That is the million dollar question. Though there is no simple and straight forward answer to this however gives some very useful hints in this regard.
Right at the top of the page is a window of scrolling articles that are selected by the team.

Go through them and there would be ample inspiration to write your next post or get over that writers block that you may be experiencing.

I invite @itsme9001 , @alz190 , @twistytango to take part in the contest.

Final thoughts is an indispensable tool developed by the team to give useful insights into any account on hive.
That being said it is upto a user as to how he wants to use it.
To understand how our own account is performing or
by comparing your own account with someone who is doing relatively well you are inspired to work out a similar strategy of growth.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

avatar indeed a best place to check your progress on Hive blockchain. Thanks for sharing. It will very helpful for the newcomers. Stay blessed.
