#1-Basic Rules Of Wealth


Welcome to my new content
I hope you like it, I'll do my best for it πŸ˜€
We will explore topics related to money management, investing and financial planning. The goal is to provide you with valuable, straightforward information to help you make informed financial decisions and achieve your financial goals. Let's talk about how to control your personal finances, how to invest smartly and how to plan your financial future. The important thing is to keep things simple, without needing complex jargon or technical terms that are difficult to understand. Let's embark together on this journey of learning about finance and see how we can make our financial life healthier and more stable. Let's start!

I will make a post with objective images in order to simplify the cell phone user so that it is not so boring to read and yes more intuitive.
This will be my first Post of many, I hope you like it please feel free to rectify me or even say your ideas.
We often learn a lot from each other in a kind of "coffee"

In fact, the objective is to wait for your answers and learn from you older and more experienced people in the subject that touches finance.



