Happy Caturday!



Every day is Caturday!

Even during the holidays! As it was my boyfriend's birthday last week, we had already spent some time using the table grill as per Christmas tradition. Meaning we had a lot of meat and our cat Mochi had a king's meal while we were finishing up as well. Although he is still scared to be touched, he knows how to get our attention when we are eating. Even if we're just eating a snack and there's a plastic foil making some noise, he's alert and comes close to us to see if it's something he could eat too. It's clear his "love" for us currently is still only about the food we feed him. He's lucky that we buy him the stuff he likes. He's a bit harder to please than Mojo though, so our cabinet with cat supplies is now filled with at least 6 different types of cat snacks which he will not eat. Oh well, cats will cat.

Yesterday he tried shrimp

We added some garlic shrimp to our table grill dinner and he got to try them as we put a little more on the grill than we could eat. He still ate his chicken first, he seems to love chicken no matter how it was prepped, but then he finished his plate and all shrimp vanished as well. I love how he sits next to the table or couch when we have something to eat, just being pretty and winking at us.

Mr. Blue eyes

I love how cuddly he looks, even though he won't sit near us most of the time. This guy is good entertainment though, as he's very playful. He hunts his two mise toys and throws them through the room (sometimes a meter up in the sky, lol) and the catnip cushion I bought for Mojo is one of his favorite toys to play with or to kill, I should say. A tiny tennis ball is also one he loves playing with, it makes a lot of noise though to recommended to remove it from the room at night, lol. I admit that I'm a bit impatient (so are the others) regarding the process of petting him.


I guess we got lucky with Mojo, and no cat is the same. I wish we had them both now, but the longer it takes, the less likely it seems that Mojo is ever coming back. The only way that seems possible is if she got taken in somewhere and is now enjoying inside life in a new home. But at least that would mean she's ok, so I guess we will have to accept it. She's still missed every day though, I really got attached to her very fast. I hope she's well. I wish she and Mochi would meet and be great friends, not letting go of that hope just yet.

Happy Caturday!

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