the return of the Half-Life franchise



Only a few days ago Valve confirmed the return of the Half-Life franchise. Although it is not the expected Half-Life 3, the company announced Half-Life Alyx, a new installment of the saga that would function as the flagship of Valve's commitment to virtual reality. During these days, details have been leaked but today, finally, this spin-off has been presented to the world in detail, with Alyx Vance as the protagonist, revealing screenshots, launch window and many more details.

First, Half-Life Alyx has been presented as a half-Life 2 prequel to "full duration", so it will not be a small experience for virtual reality, but a complete video game designed "from scratch" for this technology. The game will cover the events from the Black Mesa incident in the original game until the meeting of Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance; all from the perspective of the latter, it will be who we drive in the adventure.


The series is located between the events of Half-Life and Half-Life 2, Alyx Vance and his father Eli organize the initial resistance against the brutal occupation of the Earth by the Alliance.

The defeat of the Seven Hour War is still recent. In the shadow of an emerging Alliance fortress known as the Citadel, City 17 residents learn to live under the tyranny of their invaders. But among this scattered population are two of the most ingenious scientists on Earth: Dr. Eli Vance and his daughter Alyx, the founders of the incipient resistance.

You and your father were relocated in City 17. In the year in which you continued your clandestine scientific activity, conducting critical investigations and building invaluable tools for the few humans brave enough to challenge the Alliance.

Every day you learn more about your enemy, and every day that passes you work to find a weakness in them.


Platforms and date

If you have RV hardware that works on your computer, then it works with SteamVR:

  • Valve Index
  • HTC Live
  • Oculus Rift
  • Windows Mixed Reality

The launch, without a specific day, has been confirmed to occur in March of next 2020.
