Green, I love you green!

On countless occasions I have imagined myself as a hermit on the top of a mountain, living in healthy harmony with those demons that we carry inside and that most of the time we don't want them to come out. The above was just a reflection of my being wanting to express itself and which from time to time I let it be.


Who wouldn't like to live in the middle of nature. The word that comes to my mind is integration. To live in that subtle harmony with nature, with its healing gifts and the benefits that civilization brings us. It is not easy for an architect to find such harmony, like a symphony where we have an infinity of notes. Between eighth notes and flats we find ourselves.


That is precisely what evokes me every time I go to visit my brother. He definitely lives in a privileged place. The urbanization Terrazas de Guaicoco is located on the Petare - Santa Lucia highway, on the border of Caracas. He lives near and far at the same time from the chaos of the city, noisy, changing, fast; while where he lives, once he passes the entrance, the whole metric system of time changes. There is peace, calm, a leisurely, stress-free, unhurried life. At least that's what it evokes. I don't want to imagine leaving the development on a Monday morning!


The urbanization is very large, I counted 9 sub-complexes within the urbanization and each sub-complex has at least 4 residential buildings of 6 floors each with 4 apartments per floor. Each building has a parking space (1 car per apartment) and a parking area for visitors.


Each sub-complex of buildings is separated from the other by a wide space, I could say between half a kilometer to a kilometer away. So there is no crowding, it is very rare to meet another person and the passage of vehicles is scarce. The facade of the buildings is made of orange brick, which gives them a certain colorfulness, which combines with the green of the place.


As for the gardens, each building has its own front garden, and each sub-set of buildings is surrounded by gardens and trees. A true integration. It is a place that evokes peace and tranquility, as I said before, isn't it? No noise! Hahaha and that makes noise to me, because I live in a place that does not cease its bustle, neither day nor night. While in that place the only thing you hear is the chirping of birds, crickets and frogs at night.


Its streets are wide and very few cars pass through there, only the people who live in the urbanization. Of course I speak to you of integration, on the sides of the streets there are abundant trees and vegetation. Even the weekend I visited them, they told me that they had seen an anteater.


For the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the community, at the entrance of the urbanization there is a small chapel where religious ceremonies are held. Nearby I noticed a group of people gathered, who were scheduling events for the community and at the other end of the chapel there is a space with exercise machines and the place invites you to exercise outdoors.


The only thing I don't like about the urbanization is that it doesn't have a market nearby. To make the usual purchases: bread, water, milk, vegetables or any food, you have to go out by car, because the nearest place to buy is about three kilometers away. Not to mention a pharmacy, the nearest one is at least 5 minutes away by car.


And that last paragraph flatly demolished my desire to be a hermit. Can you imagine living on top of a mountain and having to walk for hours to do your grocery shopping? I'm too used to civilization, so my demons will have to live in harmony with me in this concrete jungle where my bones reside.

If you made it this far thank you so much for reading me.


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My own photos taken with my Tecno Spark cell phone //
I used the free version of as a translator.



En infinidad de ocasiones me he imaginado como una ermitaña en la cima de una montaña, viviendo en sana armonía con esos demonios que llevamos por dentro y que la mayoría de las veces no queremos que salgan a flote. Lo anterior solo fue una reflexión de mi ser queriendo expresarse y al cual de vez en cuanto lo dejo ser.


A quien no le gustaría vivir en medio de la naturaleza. La palabra que se me viene a la mente es integración. Vivir en esa sutil armonía con la naturaleza, con sus dones sanadores y los beneficios que nos trae la civilización. No es fácil para un arquitecto encontrar tal armonía, así cual sinfonía donde tenemos infinidad de notas. Entre corcheas y bemoles nos encontramos.


Eso precisamente es lo que me evoca cada vez que voy a visitar a mi hermano. Definitivamente vive en un lugar privilegiado. La urbanización Terrazas de Guaicoco está ubicada en la carretera Petare – Santa Lucia, en el límite de Caracas. Vive cerca y lejos al mismo tiempo del caos de la urbe, ruidosa, cambiante, rápida; mientras que allí donde él vive, una vez pasa la entrada, todo el sistema métrico del tiempo cambia. Hay paz, calma, una vida pausada, sin estrés y sin apuros. Por lo menos eso es lo que evoca. No quiero imaginarme las salidas de la urbanización un lunes en la mañana!


La urbanización es muy grande, llegue a contar 9 sub-conjuntos dentro de la urbanización y cada sub conjunto tiene por lo menos 4 edificios residenciales de 6 pisos cada uno con 4 apartamentos por piso. Cada edificio cuenta con puesto de estacionamiento (1 carro por apartamento) y un área de estacionamiento para visitantes.


Cada sub-conjunto de edificios está separado del otro por un amplio espacio, podría decir que entre medio a un kilómetro de distancia. Por lo que no existe el tumulto, es muy extraño conseguirse con otra persona y el paso de vehículos es escaso. La fachada de los edificios es de ladrillo color naranja, lo que les da cierta vistosidad, que combina con el verde del lugar.


En cuanto a los jardines, cada edificio cuenta con su jardín frontal, y cada sub-conjunto de edificios está rodeado de jardines y árboles. Una verdadera integración. Es un lugar que evoca paz y tranquilidad, ya lo había dicho ¿Verdad?. No hay ruidos! Jajaja y eso a mí me hace ruido, pues vivo en un lugar que no cesa su algarabía, ni de día, ni de noche. Mientras que en ese lugar lo único que se escucha es el trinar de los pájaros, los grillos y ranas de noche.


Sus calles son amplias y muy pocos carros transitan por allí, solo las personas que viven en la urbanización. Por supuesto te hable de integración, a los lados de las calles hay abundantes árboles y vegetación. Inclusive el fin de semana que los visité me contaron que habían visto un oso hormiguero.


Para el bienestar físico, mental y espiritual de la comunidad, en la entrada de la urbanización hay una pequeña capilla donde se ofician actos religiosos. En sus adyacencias noté a un grupo de personas reunidas, quienes estaban programando eventos para la comunidad y hacia el otro extremo de la capilla hay un espacio con máquinas de hacer ejercicios y es que el lugar te invita a hacer ejercicios al aire libre.


Todo perfecto hasta aquí, lo único que no me gusta de la urbanización es que no tiene un mercado cerca. Para hacer compras usuales: pan, agua, leche, vegetales o cualquier alimento, se debe salir en carro, pues el lugar más cercano para comprar está a unos tres kilómetros. Y ni se diga de una farmacia, la más cercana está por lo menos a 5 minutos en carro.


Y ese último párrafo tumbó de plano mi deseo de ser ermitaña. ¿Te imaginas vivir en la cima de una montaña y tener que caminar por horas para hacer las compras de alimentos? Estoy demasiado acostumbrada a la civilización, así que mis demonios tendrán que vivir en armonía conmigo en esta selva de concreto donde mis huesos residen.


Si llegaste hasta aquí muchas gracias por leerme.

Sígueme en mis redes sociales:


Fotos propias tomadas con mi celular Tecno Spark //
Utilicé la versión gratuita de como traductor.



Greetings @tibaire, definitely the dream place, away from the hectic life of the cities and with beautiful gardens; this residential complex has it all; exercise machines, beautiful green areas, exercise machines and not least the tranquility that is required after a day's work; come home to rest in silence and enjoy the benefits of nature watching the scenery.



Yes, it is a very beautiful place! it invites to rest and peace. I hope that one day they will place a market inside the urbanization for the benefit of the community.


A very refreshing text that captivates the reader and images that bewitch the eye.
Excellent content full of tastiness, as if you were telling us a story about the great urbanization in which your brother lives.
Notice that I got so immersed in your content that I felt a divine freshness on my face.
Thank you Tibaire (@tibaire) for that.

Un texto muy refrescante que cautiva al lector y unas imágenes que embrujan a la vista.
Excelente contenido lleno de sabrosura, como si nos estas echando un cuento sobre la maravillosa urbanización en que vive tu hermano.
Fíjate que me sumergí tanto en tu contenido que hasta sentí una frescura divina en mi rostros.
Gracias por ello Tibaire (@tibaire)

Ger Morado Azul Gif.gif


Thank you @germanandradeg I am very pleased that you had those feelings while reading, that means that I achieved the goal, to transmit what I experienced while I was visiting.

Gracias @germanandradeg me agrada mucho que hayas tenido esas sensaciones mientras leias, eso quiere decir que logré el objetivo, transmitir lo que viví, mientras estuve de visita.


Dear @germanandradeg. As part of our community rules, please always add/provide the English language translations to your comments/replies for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your consideration.


Please accept my apologies and my ignorance of the community rules.
I will immediately make an edit to the comment made.
Thank you for your comment.


Greetings @tibaire. Exactly, integration is the key! When it comes to the harmonious relationship between architecture and nature, integration plays a significant role in the smooth operation of the environment. In other words, they complement each other, providing sustainable experiences that every residential complex like your featured project must possess. 😊👍

Now, you made an excellent observation there - the absence of a market and a pharmacy. Would I live in that mountain neighborhood? I guess so as long as I own a reliable vehicle that would make traveling for errands more convenient. The Architect probably removed the marketplace during the original design concept to ensure peace and quiet, including the privacy of the residents and homeowners. On the other hand, I believe a pharmacy should be incorporated into their community in the first place for health emergencies. Having said that, being a hermit with a car would most likely be the most practical solution for residing there, lol 🤣

What are your thoughts? Should commercial establishments such as bakeries, grocery stores, a mini-mall, and pharmacies be included in your featured housing estate? (A follow-up question to your response to @belkyscabrera)


Hello dear @storiesoferne. Being a hermit with a reliable car is definitely the solution. At least that's the solution for my brother and his wife, who together have two cars, because of the unexpected.

In my case I wouldn't imagine being a hermit with a car, because I don't even drive a bicycle hahaha.

Seriously now. I think that a small market that satisfies the community with the basics and a pharmacy could be an immediate solution. Although to tell the truth the community is happy to go 3 kilometers to the nearest grocery store and drive 5 minutes to the pharmacy, I think for the sake of privacy. It is almost an obligation to have a car to live in this urbanization, which has been built more than 20 years ago.

For those of us who enjoy being co-drivers the situation is complicated, so I will continue dreaming of being a hermit, living on the hill of a building.

Best regards and until the next installment.

Translated with (free version)


Hmmm...what's a hermit anyway? Isn't it a person (recluse) who completely isolates himself from human civilization? So I guess a more suitable term to describe a resident in that mountain residential community would be a hybrid urban dweller, right @tibaire? Would your brother agree? haha 🤣 These people enjoy the best of both rural and urban lifestyles. 😊

I agree with your excellent points on adding a market and pharmacy (only the essential commercial spaces) to that vicinity. As long as they're well-maintained and do not cause disturbance and commotion in the neighborhood, then that would be fine in the long run. 👍

By the way, your adorable pet dog seems to be loving the color green. What's the breed?


My brother likes the tranquility of the place. It's far away and close at the same time. He is, as you say, a hybrid hermit. The best of both worlds.

My pet is a poodle, and he loves being outdoors and riding in the cars leaning out the window.


Well said @tibaire. A healthy balance in everything that we do helps us experience a truly satisfying life. I love poodles - they're super cute. Stay safe and have an enjoyable one! 😊


Hi @tibaire It is indeed tricky to live in mountains it has it's own cons and pros.
Wonderful article.
I love green too, Take care friend and keep sharing.


Thank you very much for your nice comment. Yes, green is inspiration.


I think that the best planning of a city is to have a balance of green spaces together with the buildings of the city, that generates a beautiful contrast.


I agree with you, green spaces in outdoor spaces, parks, avenues with trees, buildings with gardens. This way it is more friendly to live in the city.


I consider myself a hermit , let me explain , I work from home , I do not have time for my few friends , I am very focused on my work and I love it , it is not necessary to move , we can stay in this concrete jungle , in my opinion we all have something of hermits, but I perfectly understand your point of view and of course I respect it


hahahahahaha of course you are a concrete jungle hermit, I am a hermit in the concrete jungle wanting to be one with nature until the reality of comfort hits me. By the way remember that in this community it is important to write in English. Have a nice day!

jajajajaja claro tu eres un ermitaño de selva de concreto, yo soy una ermitaña en la selva de concreto queriendo ser una de la naturaleza hasta que me golpea la realidad de la comodidad. Por cierto recuerda que en esta comunidad es importante escribir en inglés. Ten un buen día!


Ok, your words are orders for me :)
