Plaza La Candelaria - Integration of a Community

Well thought out public works, those that were built not only to harmonize with the environment, but for the community to make life in it and in which there is an integration between residents, merchants and anyone else who makes a tour of the place, should be the constant in every city.


I like those public places, open, that offer harmony and variety of activities, so today I am going to talk about the Plaza La Candelaria, located on Avenida Urdaneta, in the parish of La Candelaria, Caracas, Venezuela and only 5 blocks from my residence.

First of all I want to tell you that as I write these lines I have discovered that this square, almost the size of a city block, includes two squares: La Plaza La Candelaria and La Plaza Urdaneta, according to information from Wikipedia. This large square is a true integration. It offers recreation for children, for senior citizens, for those who wish to exercise and for parishioners devoted to Blessed José Gregorio Hernández.


Towards the north side, adjacent to Urdaneta Avenue, in the center and in a magnificent way we find the statue of General Rafael Urdaneta, hero of the independence of Venezuela, who from a distance observes everything we do. Next to this statue is the office of the Instituto Telegráfico de Venezuela. I think the name was left over from the telegram era and as such this institute has not evolved, as it only sends and receives packages nationwide.


Towards the south side, there is a space dedicated to theatrical presentations, although I have rarely seen presentations there. The two-story building built in brick and plate offers a space for the actors to change and go out to the upper space where they can be observed by the public, who are grouped around Rafael Urdaneta. It is decorated with the colors of the Venezuelan flag and images of independence, although street artists have also made their own.


Under this building is the entrance to the parking lot. There is a parking service in the basement. I have never entered, but its access is on the west side of the Plaza.

Now walking further south we find an outdoor space where they do dance performances and other activities. It is built in concrete and tubular metal handrails. To get to the top you only have to climb a few steps, so the group performs at the top and the spectators are a little lower.


Under this open-air space we find a multipurpose hall in concrete and metal tubular grids, very rustic. There they offer free of charge to the community courses in costume jewelry, pastry making, talks and even parties for grandparents. Every Friday after 3:00 p.m. they play music from the 40's, 50's and 60's and the elderly enjoy dancing.


Evenings and Sundays are the busiest days. Religious groups and domino and chess players gather in the square. So it is not strange to find people gathered, talking loudly and sometimes almost shouting. Part of the idiosyncrasy and culture of this country. The floor of the plaza is made of stone or cobblestones and there are concrete benches to sit on all over the place.


The children are not to be missed, so with them in mind they have built a playground. The construction materials are plastic with metal columns, to avoid accidents to the children. In the afternoons this playground is full of life. Children are playing fun and their mothers sit on the benches waiting for their offspring to get tired ... if they get tired at all.

In the division between the two plazas is the Church of Blessed José Gregorio Hernández (he was a doctor who did great work helping poor people, so he has many devotees to his miracles). One day I will enter this church and make you a post about it. I tried to enter but due to biosecurity rules I had to wear a mask and I had forgotten it at home. In front of the church there are vendors under improvised awnings offering religious souvenirs such as candles, candles, holy cards, images, etc.


In the southwest part of the park there are two ping pong tables and several exercise machines, all metal and anchored to the ground. There is a space in the basement where the weights are kept. It is usual to see men exercising in this area in the evenings and as a plus for the gallant men and women who love flowers, there is a flower kiosk.


This plaza is definitely a true integration. It offers a space for the community to have fun doing various activities: theater presentations, dances, dominoes or chess games, courses, workshops and even parties and for those who think about their health, a gym with all the equipment.

If you made it this far, thank you very much for reading.

My own photos taken with my Tecno Spark cell phone //
I used the free version of as a translator.



Las obras públicas bien pensadas, esas que fueron construidas no solo para armonizar con el entorno; sino para que la comunidad haga vida en ella y en la que ocurra un integración entre los habitantes, los comerciantes y cualquier otra persona que haga un recorrido por el lugar, deberían ser la constante en toda ciudad.


Me gustan esos lugares públicos, abiertos, que ofrezcan armonía y variedad de actividades, así que hoy les voy a hablar de la Plaza La Candelaria, ubicada en la Avenida Urdaneta, en la parroquia La Candelaria, Caracas, Venezuela y tan solo a 5 cuadras de mi residencia.

Primero que nada les quiero contar que mientras escribo estas líneas he descubierto que esta plaza, casi del tamaño de una manzana, incluye dos plazas: La Plaza la Candelaria y La Plaza Urdaneta, según información de Wikipedia. Esta gran plaza es una verdadera integración. Ofrece recreación para los niños, para los hombres de la tercera edad, para quienes deseen hacer ejercicio y para los feligreses devotos del beato José Gregorio Hernández.


Hacia el lado Norte, lindero con la Avenida Urdaneta, en todo el centro y de forma magnificente nos encontramos con la estatua del General Rafael Urdaneta, prócer de la independencia de Venezuela, quien desde la distancia observa todo lo que hacemos. A un lado de esta estatua se encuentra la oficina del Instituto Telegráfico de Venezuela. Creo que el nombre quedó de la época de los telegramas y como tal ese instituto no ha evolucionado, pues solo hace el envío y recepción de paquetes a nivel nacional.


Hacia el lado Sur, se encuentra un espacio dedicado a presentaciones teatrales, aunque pocas veces he visto presentaciones allí. El edificio de dos pisos construido en ladrillo frisado y placa ofrece un espacio para que los actores puedan cambiarse y salir al espacio superior donde pueden ser observados por el público, quien se agrupa en los alrededores de Rafael Urdaneta. Se encuentran decorado los colores de la bandera de Venezuela, e imágenes de la independencia, aunque los artistas callejeros también han hecho de las suyas.


Bajo esta edificación se encuentra la entrada al estacionamiento. Hay servicio de estacionamiento en sus sótanos. Nunca he entrado, pero su acceso se encuentra en el lidero Oeste de la Plaza.

Ahora bien caminando más hacia el sur nos encontramos con un espacio al aire libre donde se hacen presentaciones de danzas y otras actividades. Esta construido en concreto y pasamanos tubulares en metal. Para llegar a su cima solo hay que subir unos cuantos escalones, así que el grupo se presenta en la parte superior y los espectadores, están un poco más abajo.


Bajo este espacio al aire libre nos encontramos con un salón de usos múltiples en concreto y rejas tubulares metálicas, muy rústico. Allí se ofrece de forma gratuita a la comunidad cursos de bisutería, pastelería, charlas y hasta hacen fiestas para los abuelos. Todos los viernes después de las 03:00 p.m. colocan música de los años 40 – 50 y 60 y las personas de la tercera edad gozan bailando.


Las noches y los domingos son los días más concurridos. En los espacios de esta plaza se reúnen grupos religiosos y jugadores de dominó y ajedrez. Así que no es extraño encontrar gente reunida, hablando en voz alta y a veces casi gritando. Parte de la idiosincrasia y cultura de este país. El piso de la plaza es de piedra o adoquines y hay en todo el lugar bancas de concreto para sentarse.


No pueden faltar los niños, así que pensando en ellos han construido un parque infantil. Los materiales constructivos son de plástico con columnas metálicas, para evitar accidentes en los niños. En las tardes este parque se llena de vida. Niños jugando divertidos y sus madres se sientan en las bancas esperando que sus retoños se cansen … si es que se llegan a cansar.


En la división entre las dos plazas se encuentra la Iglesia del beato José Gregorio Hernández (fue un médico que hizo una gran labor ayudando a gente pobre, así que tiene muchos devotos a sus milagros). Un día entraré a esta iglesia y les haré un post sobre ella. Intenté entrar pero por normas de bioseguridad debía tener un tapabocas y la había olvidado en mi casa. Frente a la iglesia de colocan vendedores bajo unos improvisados toldos, que ofrecen recuerdos religiosos como camándulas, velas, estampitas, imágenes, etc.


En la parte Suroeste del parque se encuentran dos mesas de ping pong y varias máquinas de hacer ejercicios, todas metálicas y ancladas al piso. Hay un espacio en el sótano donde guardan las pesas. Es usual ver en las noches a los hombres haciendo ejercicio en esta área y como plus para los hombres galantes y las mujeres que adoran las flores, hay un kiosko floristería.


Definitivamente esta plaza es una verdadera integración. Ofrece un espacio a la comunidad donde distraerse haciendo varias actividades: presentaciones teatrales, danzas, juegos de dominó o ajedrez, cursos, talleres y hasta fiestas y para los que piensan en su salud, un gym con todos los aparatos.

Si llegaste hasta aquí muchas gracias por leerme.

Fotos propias tomadas con mi celular Tecno Spark //
Utilicé la versión gratuita de como traductor.



Greetings thanks for sharing @tibaire I remember that was one of my favorite places I was walking from my residence to that place to exercise, I moved to the site and I could even feel the smell along with a slight nostalgia of what I lived in that place.

Saludos gracias por compartir @tibaire recuerdo que ese era uno de mis sitios favoritos iba andando de mi residencia hasta ese lugar hacer ejercicio, me traslade al sitio y hasta pude sentir el olor junto a una leve nostalgia de lo vivido en ese lugar.



What a joy to have taken you on a trip down memory lane. There are things that are missed and never forgotten. That happened to me this morning with a post by @chacald.dcymt


Yes, today is it is memory day at #Hive 🤭🤭 January I walked this walk with my sister, I miss her so much. Thank you for taking us to this beautiful place.




Happy Memorial Day at Hive!!!!

Thank you for pizza slice!


Es un lugar bastante grande , bueno son dos en uno como dices tú , aquí dónde vivo también existen estos lugares dedicados a la diversión de las personas , yo en algunas ocasiones voy a hacer deporte en las máquinas y algo de pesas , es agradable hacer ejercicio al aire libre


Dear @lupega. Please be reminded to always add/provide the English language translations to your comments/replies for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your consideration.


Ok it will be as you ask.
I wish you a great day


Thank you for your compliance. Much appreciated! Have fun! 😀


Hi @lupega , one day you could do a post about those outdoor places. Your malls are great, but can you imagine an outdoor place!


Of course , as they say in likes there are no dislikes , they are preferences , that means that I can not ask you out , you prefer parks , I prefer shopping malls , we started our relationship badly :)


What a beautiful place and its spaces give you the opportunity to recreate in many ways and for all ages. How nice that it is so close to your home.


You are absolutely right, it offers recreation for all ages. What I liked the most was to see the senior citizens playing dominoes. I didn't get closer to take the picture, because one of them turned to look at me and in his look he told me, only for older men hahaha.


Beautiful place, as well as its surroundings, thanks for sharing.


Thank you. Yes it is a beautiful place


These places have always been a meeting and recreation point for the inhabitants, especially for a sector like La Candelaria where there is a large population and of great importance for the city of Caracas. Greetings !


Wow, two magnificent public squares merged into one! That's quite a humongous geographical area, right @tibaire? Aside from that plaza's historical significance, kudos to its Architect and Designer for incorporating architectural features that cater to the leisure, relaxation, entertainment, and well-being of people. Plus, where could you find an urban park without nature? The addition of green spaces truly completes its authentic definition. 😊

How has that massive plaza improved the lives of residents and tourists there? Is that landmark continuously maintained properly by your government? Is it still safe to linger there during the late hours of the evening?


Hello @storiesoferne , yes it is a pretty big place. And the architect took care of the green spaces, although they are not abundant (as I would like), there are trees that give enough shade.

This park is a meeting point for the residents of the area. It is usually crowded all the time, even at night. In addition, the church of José Gregorio Hernández receives many parishioners, not only from the area, but from all over Caracas and even from other parts of the country.

As for the maintenance by the government, unfortunately I can't say that they do a good job. There are traces of wanting to do it, but I don't think there is the commitment yet. At night, it is used by the homeless as a place to spend the night.

There is a police station in the plaza, which provides some security and that is why there are so many people there at all times.

Translated with (free version)


Oh I see. Thank you for the prompt response and interesting answers to my questions. As they say, there's always room for improvement. So the recommendations you've indicated here would surely enhance the progress and development of that park. Happy Thursday @tibaire! 😊
