Friends can be gold

In this life, there is no way you can make it all by yourself, you surely need people in your life to go far. In every aspect of our lives, we have to mingle and relate with different kinds of humans. I want to take an analogy from a small kid who has just given birth. In a moment they realise that they are alone, and you can imagine what you see them doing. They will begin to cry until they see their mother or better still a close family member.

We are living in a world that is not ours. We need humans in every endeavour of our life. It is just important that are mindful of those we have in our lives and keep them as friends. There is this saying that goes thus' Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are This saying is not far from the truth. Your friends determine how far you can go in life. People that surround us can go a long way to determine our reasoning and shape what we are likely to become in the future. Having good friends or people around us can save us from being perished. I have heard people saying that they prefer to be slaves to the rich than keep company which won't do us any favour.

Writing this post makes me remember when I used to have some friends whose thinking was always primitive as they didn't see good outcomes from a situation. They are always pessimistic and will try everything possible to make sure to succumb to their primitive and barbaric ideas. It wasn't until I moved away from them that I had a better approach to life and saw things differently.

Some friends are willing to make a huge sacrifice just to make sure their friends find their way in the world. There is this friend who came to visit me yesterday even though it has been over a couple of months since we last saw each other I still feel this strong connection. The reason isn't that far-fetched as we talked virtually every day. We have been trying for each other on several occasions. She has made some sacrifices that I can't forget at all. I remember when we were in school, the role she played towards ensuring that I wasn't hungry. During my wedding, the first set of things I bought was financed by her as she knew my condition at that time. I'm so happy to be blessed with good company of good friends.

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Que lindo escrito la verdad es que siempre necesitamos una buena mano amiga, gracias por compartir este escrito amigo, saludos!
