Chatting on social media


How we conduct business evolves as science and technology advance. Man's only method of communication before the creation of the telephone was through handwritten letters delivered by individuals. But all of that changed with the invention of the telegraph and the telephone communication. More users outside of business usage resulted from the telephone's advancement and affordability.

The email was developed as a result of the emergence of the internet, substantially altering how we interact. A rise in internet users was brought on by the introduction of mobile internet browsing. The emergence of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter facilitated communication and helped to create a global village.

Communication is always in constant improvement, and today we have a plethora of apps we can use to communicate via the internet. The internet today is what we all use in almost every part of life, education, communication, business etc.

Social media and I

I was able to explore the internet and join my first social media, Facebook, after getting my first Internet enabled phone. Since then, social media has been an integral part of my life. I can connect with old acquaintances from my past and speak with new ones thanks to Social media. However, social media has its own pros and pitfalls, just like every innovation.

How chatting on social media has been beneficial to me.

  • I'm usually alone most of the time, but social media has made it possible for me to stay in touch with people around the world. I get relief from my loneliness by chatting with pals on social media.

  • I've been able to learn a lot of useful knowledge via conversing with friends and acquaintances. For instance, I learned of the site "Hive" through a WhatsApp conversation. Talking to others exposes me to concepts and knowledge, and it also allows me to get advice from those who are more knowledgeable than I am.

  • I don't have to spend as much money on calls because I can chat. You can imagine how expensive it would be to constantly phone a buddy who lives abroad or even in my own country. When you chat, you have a lot of fantastic options that you don't have with calls, including exchanging audio and video.


  • For me, social media chats have the drawback of taking up time. My time is constantly stolen by it. Chatting there requires more time, I often find myself chatting with friends instead of doing something important.

  • I find it difficult to ignore messages, therefore I frequently respond as soon as I can. I end myself becoming hooked as a result, and before I know it, the time I had planned to do anything significant has passed.


But there is always a solution, just like there is to every issue. Recently, I've been successful in keeping my social media usage to a minimum. Since I was able to remove Whatsapp, which was my main source of distraction, I discovered that I had more time to spend on more essential tasks rather than speaking with people or on a subject that would not be helpful to me.

Thanks for reading!


Social media has really helped us in so many ways, some are making their cool money through it, some gets updated with things going on around the world through it, to some it's a means of entertainment... In short it's so many things to so many people. The more you know the more the benefits.
Nice content, I enjoyed going through 👍


In short it's so many things to so many people

I agree with you, it depends on how one use and view it.


This is absolutely right that social media facilitates our communication nowadays most especially with our old friends and new ones, also if one is addicted to social media it will lead to distraction, thank God you were able to find solution to your distraction from doing the important tasks for the day. As for me I only visit my social media handles after the whole day work, thanks for sharing.


I think, I like your method of visiting social media after finishing the day work.


It can be annoying when you plan to do something but when the time reaches you find that you can't pull yourself away from your phone. We all have been there more than once.

Thank you for sharing this with us.


Yeah it is a big addiction and it ruins one's time planning. Thanks for visiting sir.
