A story and a family café in real time

A necessary introduction

There are things in my life that have a capital importance and are priceless, one of them is to be with my family. Since 1997 I began to search for new horizons and my primary family, that formed by my parents, my siblings and my nephews stayed in our home, while this servant lives today in the capital of the country 700 kilometers away from them.

delicious coffee

For those painful moments of life my parents passed away and part of this family has sought new horizons outside the country, but still here remains part of that essential, necessary family and, due to the occurrence of a family event I had to move to the municipality of my own.

This publication is about that and a story related to coffee, which in our case cannot be missing.

Pretext of the trip

On August 10, 1976 my younger sisters, who are twins, were born, so tomorrow they will be 47 years old. So far so normal. It turns out that the youngest of my 5 siblings would be alone because her other sister and her only son left the country and her husband is serving a criminal sentence.

my younger sister

Faced with this situation I decided to go and be with her on her birthday so that she would not feel so much the absence of our family.

Coffee, my sister and me

My sister and I are linked by many stories and, despite being the youngest, she has been or was the one who ran with me, in the face of my health problems and who took care of me. It is like this, ironies of destiny: the youngest taking care of the oldest.

coffee maker in action

As time went by, she watched me making and drinking coffee and began to fall in love with this very special beverage. I tell you that I made her first coffee, for breakfast she preferred me to make her coffee with milk over my mother and many adventures were told while drinking a cup of this aromatic beverage.

my sister's magic

One of those stories that I told him was about the work that we had to go through to have a cup, how difficult it is for those who pick coffee to fill a bag with the beans. Then the whole process of selection, washing, drying and all the other actions that have to be done, before enjoying its exquisite aroma. Hence the importance of learning how to do it well so that it has the right flavor.

serving coffee

These things were enough for her to ask me to teach her how to make coffee. She used to see that when my mother visited the house my mother would take care of her, and sometimes I was the one who made it and apparently it was good because people praised it.

The truth is that one day I taught her and a few years ago the student surpassed the teacher.

Well, after almost 14 hours of travel I arrived at my sister's house. It was 6:54 minutes in the morning. She had the coffee pot ready and started her preparation process. I must tell you that I don't know what her secret is, I don't know if it is the bee honey she puts in it or the way she whips it in an attachment she bought for it. Maybe it is the magic of love that he puts into this endeavor, but the truth is that his coffee is incomparable.

love and magic

Well, the cup of coffee was the perfect pretext to catch up on the family situation, we talked about our future plans, our jobs, in short, everything that two brothers who love each other can talk about when they meet.

She also thanked me for coming to spend her birthday with her, but for me it was more of an obligation than a duty.

What was clear is that she will not even let me make a cup of coffee because she says that by doing so she is giving back the love I inspired in this beverage. For my part I am very happy because I know that I will be drinking coffee of the highest quality.

Note: All photos were taken with my Samsung J2.

The translator used was DeepL Translate.


This is a lovely story, which details your family's connection to coffee! Your photos really bring us into the love you and your sister share for our favorite beverage. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you so much for those kind words and I appreciate them so much. The simple stories are the most delightful and this one I'm in I marvel at how happy I'm making my sister. Cheers and best regards.


Thank you for telling your life story through a cup of coffee, I feel your great love for your family, have a nice day.


Thank you very much for reading the publication and for your nice comment.
A cup of coffee is special and more for moments like these. Cheers and best regards.


Coffee is always perfect companion to talk with family.


It is true what you say, and it also gives you energy to start or continue actions depending on the time you drink it.
In my case, coffee is an eternal companion. Cheers and greetings.
