[ESP/ENG] A day of strolling, swimming, sun and joy

A necessary introduction

Today in Cuba we do not work, it is a holiday and for several days I was thinking about what to do on a day like today when many Cubans do some activity, go to the beach or share with the family. Some ideas came to my mind, but I had to look for the one that would meet my recreational expectations, be affordable and make me spend an unforgettable evening.

the author

Quickly an idea crossed my mind and I told my wife that the best thing to do was to go to a swimming pool because the high temperatures that these days affect the country keep the temperature of the sea water very warm and combined with the sun's rays it is not a very healthy proposal.

Based on the above we decided to go to the pool of the Hotel Comodoro and enjoy a Pasadía, not very economical by the way because they have raised the price considerably, but we were already in the place and we had to enjoy the offers of the place as much as we could.

The departure

going for a walk

We left the house early and boarded a comfortable bus that took us to the place we were going to for a very modest price. On the trip my wife and I talked about the need to increase activities like these, to get out of the house more because we are no longer children and time is passing us by. She was making this observation because she has reached her retirement process and we really have less and less time left to live.

While she was saying this, I explained to her about the possible services and offers that we would find in the place and that we would surely have a good time. In order not to make her feel bad I promised her I would find a way to get out of the house a lot more to enjoy the good things life has to offer.


arriving at the hotel pool

Already at the pool, the heat invited me to cool off in the water and quench my thirst with the tasty Cuban beer. My wife, who does not drink beer, asked the barman what refreshing drink he had to satisfy her thirst and continue enjoying the place.

Refreshing by the pool and with a cold beer

the author refreshing

I admit that I am not a beach, river or pool addict; but, at times like today when the temperature exceeded 35 degrees there was no other way to spend the moment than sharing the joy of the water and its watery complicity.

my wife on her own

While my wife was indulged with a malt called Perla Negra, they brought me my favorite drink, or to be more exact, the only one I drink. This moment was spent between music, bathing, my wife and the refreshing beer.



It was time for lunch and by that time my wife had already ordered fish fillet and pork accompanied with vegetable salad and fried plantain. For dessert we had a delicious almond nougat that my wife loves.


It has been an incredible evening and we are still in the place enjoying the offerings and appreciating the wonders of the place. Later we will have to leave and get back to the daily routine of home and life, but today has been a spectacular day. Again thank you life for so much and everything.

Note: The photos were taken with my Samsung J2 phone and the translator used was DeepL Translate.


@tonyes I'm glad to see that you are enjoying the day together with @estelacha you deserve it, after a hectic and stressful work Monday for you.A big hug ❤

@tonyes que gusto ver que estás disfrutando el día junto a @estelacha lo mereces, después de un lunes de trabajo agitado y estresante para ti.Un fuerte abrazo❤


Muchas gracias amiga @osismi por seguir mis publicaciones y tus bellos comentarios. Gracias por ser y estar. Un abrazo. Salud y saludos.


@tonyes I'm glad to see that you are enjoying the day together with @estelacha you deserve it, after a hectic and stressful work Monday for you.A big hug ❤

@tonyes que gusto ver que estás disfrutando el día junto a @estelacha lo mereces, después de un lunes de trabajo agitado y estresante para ti.Un fuerte abrazo❤


ON a hot day going to a pool makes a lot of sense cool off in the pool and enjoy a nice cold beer or beers

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)


Thank you very much for reading the publication and for your comment. It is a gesture that I appreciate very much.
As for the ride we enjoyed it very much and it filled us with energy to continue facing life's challenges. Cheers and best regards.


¡Gozaste! 😃


Ya sabes hermano.
Gracias por tu comentario y por leer la publicación.
Salud y saludos.


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Muchas gracias @newnow497 por el apoyo y los deseos permanentes de que uno mejore. Gracias también por su ayuda. Un abrazo. Salud y saludos.


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