Seek the "zen" moment regardless of the eventuality...



A crazy day, as they tend to be lately... Today, leaving the office, I had to go pick up the boy from school, on the other side of the city, and take him to do a group activity with the team soccer training.
It was not a planned activity, in fact, what was planned was the soccer practice on Thursdays when my son walks from school. Apparently, the coaches have thought that today would be a good time to do another type of activity but... it required the collaboration of the parents for its logistics. A disaster for me because I have had to rearrange my entire schedule for the day.
But, these are the type of "cons" of being father/mother of two.

In any case, I have taken the opportunity to take the dog with me as well while I transported my son to the place.

I have approached the river with the dog to walk while my son's activity lasted 2 hours and I have realized how long the days were already being able to enjoy a spectacular sunset, which has been like a very "Zen" moment for me.

Here I bring you 3 beautiful images that testify it...


For the best experience view this post on Liketu
